♡ Secrets ♥ NaLu One-Shots

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Hayy there minna-san! Here's something that I figured that if I don't have time to post another chapter or whatnot, I could just come up with a one-shot --- short, simple and sweet! Just like all of you readers ♥

You see, sometimes ideas come to me randomly, and I'm often fired up to write a fanfic about it. But sometimes, it's impossible to let it fit in with the whole story, so I might as well make it like a small extract! :)

Anyway, let's just cut the long story short. Some of you are really eager for yet another chapter of MIHTD, but finals are coming and I'm super busy now with my school life. Nevertheless, I will really TRY MY BEST to update it for you! Just be a little patient, please 

Thank you so much for reading this! Right, onto the stories! :3

Yours truly,                                                                                                                                            


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