Why Bother?

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Camila’s POV

All I wanted was for her to notice me. It didn’t even have to be in a romantic way. I just needed to know that I existed to her. Maybe being the dorky nerd was my problem. Maybe not being popular affected my chances. I was completely head over heels for her and she didn’t even know my name. But I knew hers. Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

It all started freshman year when she decided to try out for softball. I knew who she was before then cause we’ve gone to the same school since kinder. I was in all her classes but I always either sat in the corner alone or up front and never made a sound. Most of my teachers would pair us up for projects but I would always finish before she could figure out I was her partner.


Lauren’s POV

I knew she was in all my classes. I knew she finished all our projects without letting me approach her. She was the most beautiful girl in the entire school whether she knew it or not. I have loved her since I saw her walk in freshman year. 

I tried out for soft ball while she sat on the bleachers, nose buried in her Harry Potter books. I loved the way her eyes would sparkle as if it was her first time reading them. The was her nose scrunched up when she would read something that totally shocked her. How her smile would light up her face when she finally finished all the books because she knew she could start them all over.

All I needed was for her to notice me and finally I could get the courage to ask her out.


Camila’s POV

For some reason I felt someone staring at me. I finally decided to look up and I saw the emerald eyes that I was so frightened to get lost in. She smiled and gave me a small wave. I quickly turned back to my work blushing a deep shade of red. I still felt her eyes on me so I looked back and smiled back up at her. 

Soon the bell rang to head to lunch. As usual I got my lunch and sat at the corner table away from everyone. I was so into my sandwich and book that I almost didn’t notice someone sit beside me. I looked up to find none other than Lauren herself sitting next to me with a smile on her face. 

“Hey Camila. Mind if I join you?” I honestly couldn’t believe my ears. She knew my name? How did she know my name? I simply shook my head letting her stay. I would steal quick glances at her while she was occupied on her phone and to tell you the truth she looked like a fallen angel. I couldn’t help smile to myself and think that this was all a dream.


Lauren’s POV

I knew she was looking at me and that made me smile. Does she like me just as much as I like her? I would really enjoy that. I quickly put my phone down and started eating. She finished before me and was about to get up when I slightly pulled her wrist to get her attention. “Hey do you think you’d like to go on a date with me next Friday?” I knew I was risking so much but I didn’t care, she was totally worth it. She smiled and slowly leaned down to face me. “I would love that. I’ll give you my address later so you can pick me up.” she slowly leaned in some more and lightly placed a kiss on my cheek near the corner of my mouth. She pulled away, smiled, and walk off waving before leaving the cafeteria. I was finally gonna go out with Camila Cabello.

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