Why Lauren Hates the Paparazzi

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Lauren likes to think being 25 and famous is a good thing. And it is...for the most part.

25 and famous means a lot of money to spend, studio time whenever it's requested, and a planet-load of fans. 25 and famous means award shows and photo shoots, concerts and world tours and meet and greets and something new and exciting every day of the week. 25 and famous means celebrating second wedding anniversaries on yachts just off the coast of Greece. With a super hot wife. Who is also 25 and famous.

Go figure.

But 25 and famous also means paparazzi. Everywhere.

And Lauren...well, Lauren hates the paparazzi.

She loves her job and she knows she signed up for the attention when she chose the music business. But the invasion of privacy has become constant; her fame has continuously skyrocketed since her first single dropped on the radio all those years ago and practically doubled after marrying her equally famous wife. (She was never one for a famous power couple, but then she met Camila and well...any previous plans flew out the window).

But it's fine. It's cool. She doesn't hate the attention. In fact, she expects it and accepts it as graciously as possible. She still hates the paparazzi though.

The paps follow the couple everywhere. Lauren lets them take their pictures, even smiles for them sometimes, but anything more than that and she's ready to flip a bitch. She wishes she could handle it as well as Camila seems to, but life just isn't that easy is it?

For Christ's sake, Lauren just wants to go eat dinner with her wife in peace. Or buy carrots in the supermarket without that obnoxious clicking noise in her ear every 2 seconds. She wants to walk with her wife into a movie theater without all those people asking questions and analyzing the status of their marriage based on what movie they saw.

Basically, there are moments--frequent moments--where Lauren wishes for nothing more than the paparazzi to disappear into thin air.

Like right now. On this beautiful yacht, where she can see the dazzling blue water and the white coastline of Mykonos, but more importantly the brunette beauty perched beside her on the cushioned lounger.

It's daytime and Lauren and Camila are currently cuddled up on the deck of their home for the next two weeks. The sun is shining, the water is unbelievably clear, Camila is wearing a tiny black bikini--life should be perfect right now.

Except it isn't.

It could be perfect but it's not because when Lauren's eyes manage to look past the tan beauty next to her she can see strange men and their giant ass zoom lenses positioned ever so conveniently on another boat that just so happens to have a perfect line of sight into the Jauregui yacht.

Ugh, she hates them.

She wishes she could just ignore them, which is apparently what her wife seems to be doing as her hand starts to caress Lauren's bare stomach ever so lightly. How can Camila just do that while they're watching? The woman has no shame.

The older girl pays no attention to the caresses at first, choosing to keep her nose buried in the new book she's reading. She's going 3 minutes strong, but then she feels warm lips on her neck.

"Camila, stop," Lauren groans when her wife moves to take the book out of her hands. The tanned girl says nothing, instead focusing on nudging the other girl's face with her nose and pressing their lips together. Lauren complies for a little, turning her head and allowing her wife to deepen the kiss, but she just can't seem to get into it, the idea of the paparazzi watching from one boat over ever-present on her mind.

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