A Work in Progress

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It was the third time Camila was at Home Goods this month. 

And it was the third time this month she was buying the same vase that used to sit in the Cabello-Jauregui’s living room. 

Lately, things have been pretty rocky with Camila and her wife. Lauren was in the studio all day writing for up and coming recording artists that the only time she was home was in the wee hours of the night. And when Lauren was home during her off days, it ended up in screaming matches with Camila and a sore back from sleeping on the couch. Like the other day, Lauren had made a witty comment about Camila’s decision to accept the promotion that got her dodging the lilac vase being pelted in her direction.

It wasn’t always like this, though. At one point in their relationship, they couldn’t leave each other’s side. Nowadays it seems as though the spark that was once there is slowly dying and any second from going out. 

“Remind me why I have to tag along with you to run errands?” Camila and Lauren’s 18 year old daughter groaned as she stared down at her phone. Camila scoffed lightly at the young adult’s comment.

“You’re graduating high school in a month and you’re leaving for college in 3 months, Em. Soon I won’t be be able to attack you with my koala hugs everyday. Think of this as Momma and Emily day, just like the good ol’ times.” Camila pushed the cart through the aisles looking for the infamous lilac vase. If Camila was being honest, she didn’t want her only child to leave. If she leaves, she’d be stuck to cry herself to sleep when she’d regret saying something to Lauren whenever they’d fight. She’d be alone to deal with the pain in her chest when she’d go to sleep to an empty bed and wake up to an empty bed.

“I can’t remember the last time you and mom spent time together with me…” Emily mumbled to herself as she watched her mom put the vase into the cart. “What was that, Em?” Camila asked, as they proceeded to the cashier. “Uh, I just can’t remember the last time you and I spent time together ever since they promoted you at your office.” Emily mentally high-fived herself for covering it up. 

If anything, the fights between Camila and Lauren have taken a toll on their daughter. To see her moms go from loving the hell out of each other to barely speaking to one another hurt. It felt as if she had to pick a side between the two. 

The mom and daughter duo left the store, pushing the cart back to the car. “I’m making chicken parmesan for dinner. I know it’s your favorite.” Camila smiled, linking arms with her daughter. 

“I don’t know how long I’ll stay for dinner. Senior finals are coming up and Karlie and Taylor and I were gonna study.” Emily noticed the smile on her mom’s face turn into a frown as she shut the trunk of the car. “I mean, if you want me to stay home, I will. I can always reschedule. It’s just, I know you and mom haven’t been on the best terms lately and I don’t want you to be alone at home.“ 

"Em, you’re 18 years old now. You’re a young adult and I don’t want you to feel like your mother and I are holding you back.” Camila said softly. “Are you sure?” Emily bit her lip, reconsidering her plans with her friends. “I’m positive.” The woman wrapped her arms around her daughter pulling her in for a tight hug.


“Hey, mom just texted me. I didn’t know she was gonna come home early today.” Emily smiled from ear to ear as she sat down at the dinner table, placing her phone down. “I had no idea either.” Camila muttered to herself placing the dish onto the table.

There was no denying that Emily was a Lauren girl. Sure she loved both of her moms to death, it was a given, but Lauren was the “cooler” one of the two. After all, Lauren is the reason that Emily has gotten away with numerous things in the past. 

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