6. Grace

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You find out that you are a Nephilim

Age-  18

I feel wierd these days. Totally and completely wierd.

Not like bad wierd. But like in a good way. I feel strong, I feel powerful.

But on the other hand, I'm losing sleep. Like I sleep for two or three hours, but that's it. Then I wake up. No matter how tired I was when I went to sleep, I woke up feeling fresh and ready to do stuff.

Now that is definitely weird, especially for someone who used sleep for ten hours and still whine about being woken up.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Dean calling me

"Y/n? We have a hunt! Get ready to leave in ten!"


Finally! I was bored of just sitting around in this Bunker and over thinking everything.

I packed my stuff up and I sat in the car, where Sam, Dean and Cas were already waiting.

I hadn't seen Cas in a while and when he saw me, he squinted his eyes at me. As if he was trying to figure out where he knew me from.

What's wrong with him?

"Hey Cas, you good?" I asked

"You feel familiar. Like I almost recognize you"

"That's maybe cause you've know me for over seven years, you dork. Come one. Stop playing. What's this hunt about?"

"We're thinking demons. Three people have been stabbed. And get this, when the neighbors found them, she smelt rotting eggs." Sam said, filling me in.

"Oh, they're demons, alright. Sons of bitches stink up the whole joint." I said

I felt Cas staring at me.

Seriously, what is his problem?

"Cas, you okay? Can you stop staring. Making me a little uncomfortable over here" I said

"Oh at least he doesn't fly in and stand two inches away from your face and scare the crap out of you" Dean said from the front, looking at Cas.

Sam chucked and him and I shared a look and I mouthed "Destiel" to him, which made him laugh and Dean, who saw it, glared at me.

Touchy, are we, Dean?

We reached the victim's house and put on the fake FBI outfit and began the research.

After a day of asking around, going to the morgue and doing the research, we came to the conclusion that we were in fact, dealing with demons.

After a long day, all of us decided that we would deal with the demons the next day but first, we would get some food in our system and get some sleep.

We stopped at  Lucy's Diner and went in and sat down. The place was pretty empty except for the cook, a waitress and two other people eating there.

Cas said that he would go wait in the motel and he left.

Remember when I said that I was feeling weird? Scratch that. Cas is a whole different story. He had been acting strange the whole day. Like he was distracted. He was just constantly staring at me.

I mean, I know I'm pretty, but jeez.

He didn't even smell the dead body as he so nicely put it, "likes to do to figure out what is wrong with them".

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