Hawk and Dove Part 2

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we walk into the room 1to see Rachel on the bed watching game of thrones. 

"Hey you want pizza?" Dick says.

"Okay" Rachel says. 

"Anything on it? Don't let anyone in. is that Game of Thrones? should you be watching that? " Dick says as we start to leave the apartment.

"Just don't get pineapple on it" Rachel says. 

"Obviously" Dick says as we leave. 

After about an hour, me and Dick arrive back at the hotel. 

we hear muttering in the room and notice Rachel isn't there then we walk into the bathroom and notice Rachel sitting in the bath. 

"Rachel, what happened" Dick says. She just gasps.

"No. Don't touch me. I don't want it getting out. No!" Rachel says. 

"Come here. you're safe" I say as me and Dick pull her into a hug and she just cry's while me and Dick look at each other. 

 we were in the car heading to Hank and Dawn's place. 

"According to those files, the man who came after you may have been apart of some doomsday cult. they believe it is their destiny to prevent the end of the world. Does that mean anything to you?" Dick says. 

"Well, back when I was a kid, you know, I didn't get too angry, or scared, 'cause bad things happen "Rachel says. 

"What kind of bad things?" I say. 

"I guess I'm a orphan, too, now. that billionaire, Bruce Wayne, you raised you too?" Rachel says to the two of us. 

"Yeah" me and Dick say at the same time. 

"Must've been cool" Rachel says. 

"It was... complicated "Dick says. 

"Does it ever go away?" Rachel says. 

"What?" Dick says. 

"The feeling you got left behind," Rachel says. 

"yeah. Well, no, not entirely" Dick says. 

"You're gonna leave me too, aren't you?" Rachel says. 

"No. No I'm not gonna do that" Dick says and Rachel nods. 

we have finally arrived after a few hours of being in the car, it has been about four years since I last saw Hank and Dawn, that was when Dick feel out with them because he had an affair with Dawn behind Hank's back.   

"So, who are these guys?" Rachel says. 

"Old friends. Truth is, I haven't seen them for a long time" Dick says. 

Dick knocks on the door and Dawn opens it.

"Hey" me and Dick says. 

"Hi" Dawn says. 

"Hi. I'm Rachel" She says. 

"Dawn" Dawn says. 

Then Rachel pulls a face when she pulls away she must have seen them together, in bed.  

"Can we talk?" Dick says. 

"You're about four years too late, but sure" Dawn says. 

"Wow, this place is huge" Rachel says as we walk into the apartment. 

We are up on the roof talking. 

"She killed someone, she's just a kid" Dawn says. 

"Whoever they are, they have people in the department. we needed somewhere safe to regroup think about what I'm gonna do " Dick says. 

"What about Bruce?" Dawn says. 

"He's no good with kids" Dick says. 

"Cop, huh? That's one I never would have figured." Dawn says.

"How are you?" Dick says. 

"We're great. Hank's feeling the life of a little. age waits for no man, and all that." Dawn says.

"How bad?" I ask. 

"Two fracturs, three concussions in the last year, and a herniated disc" Dawn says. 

"Jesus, Dawn" Me and Dick say. 

"We're still good out there, really good. but one slip-up" Dawn says. 

" you should quit. you both should" Dick says. 

"That's the plan. Soon as we take out these gun suppliers he's obsessed with. one more chance to do some good and he promised he's out. you could help us out. "Dawn says. 

"I'm out of the life, Dawn" Dick says. 

 "Hey, what are you doing here, Dick?" Hank says from behind us. 

"Hank" Dawn says. 

"I have a situation" Dick says. 

"Nice little reunion you got going here." Hank says. 

"You know it's not like that" Dick says. 

"Sure looks like that to me" Hank says. 

"Hank" Dawn says looking over at Rachel. 

"What the fuck" Hank says. 

"Ca we just go back inside please" Dawn says and they go inside.

A few hours later, we are in Rachel's room getting her bed ready. 

"So, You and Dawn" Rachel says. 

"No" Dick says. 

"You realize it's impossible to lie to me, right?" Rachel says. 

"When we were kids, Good night" Dick says. 

"Why did you hurt her?" Rachel asks. 

"I didn't meant to" Dick says. 

"That's not an excuse" Rachel says. 

"Yeah, well, it's in the past" Dick says. 

"Not for her" Rachel says. 

"Get some rest" Dick says as me and him leave. 

"Good night" I say. 

"Good night" Rachel replies. 

I am on the sofa next to Dick because there is only one guest bed and we gave that to Rachel.  After about half an hour of laying down, Dick gets a phone call and says to me he needs to leave. 

It's the next day and me, Dawn and Rachel just came from shopping, she tells me and Rachel to go into the other room and we watch a tv show that Dawn suggested. 

After a while of being in the room, we start to hear shouting, me and Rachel go into the other room and see Hank and Dick fighting. 

"Stop" Me and Rachel say. 

"Stop" Rachel shouts as she moves forwards. 

"Stop" She shouts then the windows blow behind her. 

"I'm sorry" She says then storms out the room. 

"Rachel" I say going after her. 

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