Doom patrol Part 3

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We are sitting at the table, having dessert. 

"I didn't mean to be any trouble. I'm sorry" I say. 

"don't be sorry. you helped us save that young woman's life, and we are very grateful for it. you were a surprise to me. That's all." the chief says. 

"I tried to warn the kid" Cliff says. 

"well, we keep what we're doing here very secret, you see?" the chief says. 

"what is it that you do here?" Rachel asks. 

"I help people that other have given up on. I go beyond what medical science is willing to do.. because I believe in hope. Don't you?" the chief says and explains everyone's stories. 

Rita was locked in an institution because of a toxic gas which left her cells unstable. Larry crashed his plane and was exposed to negative energy. Gar was cured from a rare disease.  

"I think I can help you too, Sophie, Rachel" the chief says to us. 

"You can't help me" Me and Rachel say. 

"That's what they said about Cliff, Larry, Rita and Garfield. That I couldn't. That they were doomed. And yet, here they all sit, enjoying dessert. If you'd let me examine you, do some tests..." the chief says. 

Me and Rachel sigh. 

"Rachel, Sophie, you're not alone." the chief says to us.

"Does it have to be so tight" Rachel says. 

"Yes. This ability you possess is likely tied to your nervous system. trying to analyse it could trigger some physical movements. I don't want you getting hurt." The chief says. 

"Chief, are you sure about this?" Gar says.

"This is a relatively simple procedure, given what I've dealt with before. Bring me my case." The chief says. 

"Why? What are you gonna do?" Gar says.

"You are here to assist me, Garfield, not to question me, understand?" Chief says. 

"Yeah, but I--" Gar says. 

"Do what I ask. For her. Please?" Chief says looking at me. 

Gar grabs the case and brings it to Chief. Gar looks at me. 

"Thank you, my boy" Chief says. 

Chief opens his case. 

"I can remove whatever's inside you." Chief says. 

"No" me and Rachel say. 

"No, wait, wait. I don't wanna do this anymore" I say. 

"This is for your own good, my children. I promise you" Chief says. 

"Let us up. Please. Gar... please. Let us up" I say. 

Gar goes to remove the restraints 

"Sit down, Garfield. Sit back down." Chief says. 

"No" Gar says. 

"No" Chief says. 

"They don't want to do this anymore. I'm gonna unstrap them" Gar says. 

"Leave this room. Now" Chief says. 

"Chief.. let her go" Gar growls. 

Gar's eyes start to turn green, then his whole face turns green like his hair. 

"I mean it" Gar growls. 

Chief then goes for a weapon and shoots Gar. 

"Gar" I shout. 

Gar then falls to the floor. 

"He'll be alright" Chief says. 

"You hurt him. You hurt our friend" Rachel says in a demonic voice. 

"Rachel" I say calmly. 

"Now i'll hurt you" Rachel says and the lights start to flicker. 

Then the evil comes out of Rachel and wraps itself around Chief. 

I get my knife and start to cut throw the restraints. 

Chief screams and is then thrown against a wall. 

Rachel breaks throw her restraints. 

After a minute, I have finally broken throw my chains. I go to Rachel who is by a portal screaming. 

"Rachel" I say shaking her. 

"Rachel! Sophie!" I hear behind. 

I turn around and see Dick. 

"Dick, I need help" I shout. 

Dick comes running towards me. 

"Rachel! Rachel! Hey." Dick says. 

"Your going to die" Rachel says to Dick. 

"You need to get out of here, before it's too late." Rachel says. 

"I'm not going anywhere" Dick says. 

"Me neither" I say. 

"I don't want to hurt you two" Rachel says. 

"Listen, I was wrong. When I told you no can help you." Dick says.

"Dick, Sophie, you need to leave. Please" Rachel says scared.

"At the church, when I said your on your own. Okay, I was wrong. You're not on your own. Okay? You have me. You have us. We're here." Dick says. 

Rachel starts crying. 

"I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm not going anywhere." Dick says as me and him pull Rachel in for a hug. 

After that the portal goes away, and Rachel is back to normal. 

We walk out of the front door and head towards the car. While the doom patrol look at us. 

I look at Gar and smile. I watch Gar hug everyone. Gar walks towards us. 

"Rachel, Sophie. Get in the car" Kory says. 

We get in the car and Gar follows. Dick starts the car up and we are leaving. 

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