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Fairy Tail is owned by Hiro.

Also giving out a huge shoutout to DESNA for her Pradesh family because they will be popping up in this story. If you have not read her stories, do it now! You're seriously missing out there.

Ever since the guild had gotten back together quite a few things had changed. Obviously a lot of the guild members had grown both in age and in power, also different aspects of guild policy's had come to play with Laxus taking over.

First thing he did other than welcome everyone back is disband all previous teams, of course there had been some uproar about it. In the end however everyone accepted it for what it was because in a lot of ways it made sense. Laxus had taken his own previous experience in being so solitary or ingrained into his specific team that he had missed out on a lot of interactions and experiences with other guild mates and didn't want that for anyone else.

On top of that he assigned different people to different tasks within the guild, making it much more organized and business like. Ezra who had toned down enough when her relationship with Natsu come out into the open and was easily accepted had become some what of an enforcer. She took care of keeping track of property damages and finding appropriate disciplinary actions in accordance with what happened. With her skill and battle knowledge Ezra had also started doing training classes for mages that needed more help to better themselves. Mira still had full control of the bar with the help of Kianna. It was Freed however that was now in charge of signing off for missions (Mira stepped in if he was unavailable due to understanding how his operations worked since they were now together.), because he had come up with a better leveling guidelines for jobs and a statistical board for what mages could come together for the best success of certain jobs. Of course mages were not forced to take jobs together, just highly encouraged.

Then there was Lucy, who had stepped up to be Laxus' right hand woman. In the sense that she looked over his work making sure it was properly done, and controlled the financial aspect of the guild. Her upbringing had been a major factor in asking this of her. Lucy did not mind, it was easy money and in doing so her and Laxus had created somewhat of a sibling like relationship. Plus she got to spend a lot of time getting to know the other mages of the previously known Thunder Legion. Often times Lucy would be at the guild late with Laxus finishing up paperwork, and one of the three, usually Bixy or Freed would stay behind with them.

Thus began Lucy's epic friendship with Bixlow. The man is a riot and often easily took the stress away from both of her and Laxus by simply cracking a few jokes. She had come to also love each of his babies, especially little Pippi. The cute little soul that loved spending time with her.

Her partnership and friendship with Natsu had pretty much fallen out, even though they had traveled everywhere together in order to bring their family home he had never personally said sorry. There was only so much Lucy would forgive and Natsu had pushed past his limit. She still cares about him and often Happy comes to visit her. She was even very happy to see Ezra at ease and Natsu calmed a lot due to his dragon finding his mate. All in all it was a good thing they got together for everyone.

With the opening of best friend in her life Bixlow had up and practically claimed the position for himself the first day she started working in Laxus' office. The pair were often together inside and outside of the guild hall. He easily brought out the brightest side of Lucy and with all the darkness that had clung to her in that year alone she had practically clung to him, she couldn't even bring herself to get mad at him with all his shenanigans. He always did whatever it was to make someone else laugh. Along the way the duo had started training together often, practically every day. When he had found out she had a gymnastics and dance background he had dragged her down to the training room to spar, that had been a hilarious scene for the whole guild to witness.

He helped her even more by training her in parkour and increasing her stamina by taking regular runs together. He was another mage that recognized he was a far range fighter and if he did get up close and personable he needed to have every advantage he could have to get away if it became too much. Bixlow also completely understood Lucy's magic in a way no one else did, his souls were very much like her spirits. It was often a chosen topic in their conversations.

It was on a sunny afternoon that Lucy was over at the Thunder Palace AKA Laxus' House, sitting on the swing on the back porch with her head in Bixys' lap and a book in her face. Bixy was playing with her hair and humming a soft tune while they waited for Freed and Laxus to finish up dinner. When he suddenly stopped humming and grab the book out of Lucy's hands.

"Bixy... why did you take my book?" She asked.

"Lucy..." He starts softly.

Suddenly she was sitting up and quickly grabbing his free hand. Bixlow had only called her by her real name a couple of times and each one was for something serious. Staring at his face as he intently read some lines from the book she had she waited patiently for his answer.

"Have I ever told you where I am from?" He finally asks.

"... No... It must have never come up. Why Bixlow this sounds really important?"

"First may I ask why you are reading this book, and you have notes all over in it?"

"Well..." She got a little shy scratching the back on her head with her free hand.

"To be honest I am completely fascinated with Bosco and it's culture. It's everything Florian is not, its free and about equality. It's something I admire, after living in a society that makes men out to be more important than women and sex or physical relationships to be some sort of sin I looked for something that was completely opposite than that and found out about Bosco. I absolutely adore Arman Predesh, not only is he a highly intelligent polical leader but an open activist of peace and a wonderful father who had adopted many children who were less fortunate. I've read everything there is to know about him. How can you not respect someone who kept a promise to their passed wife about having at least eight children. Especially how besides his own two took in ones with troubled pasts. Of course I don't know all who he had taken in but I have read a little on Kaleb and Farron just because one followed in his fathers footsteps and the other is in control of the guild White Sea. He is an amazing man who loved his wife so incredibly much he fulfilled her wish and raised at least two wonderful men, I can only imagine what the other are like. I was so enraptured by Arman and Bosco that I got Jude to let me learn the language and study their culture when I was little. Jude had thought it was because I was finally accepting becoming a business woman but in reality I loved it because it was everything I did not grow up around."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on. I just have a passion for Bosco and Arman.." Lucy finishesalmost embarrassed by her rant.

Suddenly the statue that was Bixlow sets her book off to the side and quickly grabs the little woman up in his arms. Holding her in his lap tightly he says through a strained voice.

"Lucy how many times do I have to tell you how amazing you are, by now I should never be surprised."

"Okay Bixy, you're amazing too. But what does this have to do with anything?" She couldn't keep the confusion from her voice.

"Just you wait Cosplay Queen, I will have one epic surprise for you." He says leaning back to give her the most genuine smile she had ever seen from him.

Gently he sets her back on the swing next to him before jumping up and calling out.

"Yo Bossman! Do I got a request for ya."

Before looking back at her and pointing.

"You, you stay there and look pretty. I'll be right back." Before dissapearing into the house.

Lucy could only sit there a little dazed from what had just happened. She didn't know whether to be worried or excited. One could never know when it came to Bixy.

Please let me know what you think or feel. Lots of love. Write on!

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