Somewhat Of An Oddity

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Lucy now had a very deep respect for Van and all of the void hopping he does. After stopping by Edens place the pair of them had hopped all over town in order to try and confuse anyone looking for them, and Van didn't even look winded! They must have jumped at least twenty times before he landed them smack dab in the center of town within the large crowds wondering around. Lucy was even starting to wonder if Van was secretly just hopping because he enjoyed doing it and taking her with him, because she all but koalaed him every time. She really needed to learn a way to hop herself, she could already fly but it would be amazing if she could teleport too.

Honestly Lucy had no doubt that if Kaleb really wanted to find them he would have already, the man is a power house. There's a reason he is a wizard saint and the guild master! Maybe Van is just toying with her and getting his rocks off by dragging her around, Lucy wasn't too sure what was going on anymore. On top of that Van had confiscated her box and wouldn't even let her peek at what was in there, such a silly man. Drags her into a clothing shop has her fitted for something she is sure is amazing and then refused to let her have it! Lucy couldn't help but cross her arms and pout a little as they traveled.

Back at the house Kaleb couldn't help but smile as he directed different people and movers around the house, as soon as Lucy has dissapeared he had put his assaistant Thane in charge of the guild and told him only to call him if it was an emergency. It wasn't ever day that your precious little brother and the new littler star of the family were celebrating their birthdays. Although the Pradesh family usually goes all out for birthday bashes there was something more... special about this one. Not only was Bix smiling more than usual but the family as a whole was putting more effort into things.

Dad was calling in on a bunch of favors and going to all the stops. Faron called in for a full week, something that was hard for the whole family to convince the workaholic to do. Em and Xal decorated the whole property, together. Although sisters they are water and fire and sometimes they just didn't do cohesive, especially for long periods of time. Zen was off doing something secritive, which could go either way really. Cris the poor guy, it was nearing the full moon and he said he was looking into something to help him cut off the hormone fumes so they could all enjoy the evening together. Vander, he had even gone to her for help. Kaleb had no illusions when it came to people, Eden was on a whole different level. When he had first heard inside the woman's mind before she shut him out, something he had not come across in so many years, there were multiple voices. Warring in her mind for control, she seemed to be having a inner conflict balancing the light and the dark of herself. Earlier when Lucy and Van had shown up as soon as Eden was in Lucy's presence the heaviness of her souls seemed to lighten. Another person guided by the light that is Lucy. Sometimes Kaleb couldn't even wrap his head around it because Lucy hadn't even stepped into the immaculate light and yet people flocked to her. Something that was both a blessing and a curse it seems to be.

Now as he continued directing people Kaleb couldn't help but listen in on the little mage, it was quite cute how she fumed about Van as they made their way through the city. It was amazing to Kaleb how recently he wasn't sure if his powers had grown even the slightest but it was relatively easier for him to pick up on his family even crossing large amounts of land. Not that he couldn't do it before but now it was something he didn't really need to try to do any more, it was like their beings were like little beacons he could easily feel. Kalebs pondering were cut short at the yell from his dad letting him know the animal masters were here.

The sun was starting to cast a warm glow across the sky as Lucy and Van were sitting at the seas edge. Van hopped up and extended his hand towards her. "Come my lady, I grow tired of your continued whining..." "Shut up Umbra! You haven't let me eat anything since early this afternoon!" Lucy interrupted. "So.." Van continued rolling his eyes teasingly. "Let's get you to where you need to be." He finished before whisking her up and into his arms. The immediate cold had Lucy burrowing her face into his warm chest. Right as she was going to question him they were once again in the dimming sunlight. "Alright Stellula, here's your box. Put this blindfold on first then call our your maiden friend, the outfit is a surprise but could be complicated to put on. I'll be out here when your ready." He said before placing the black box and a silk black blindfold in her hand. Lucy just hoped it was a new one and not one Van had played with before.

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