Soul Kin

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Zen didn't wake up until right before dinner, he was able to join the family with little to no questions other than how he was feeling. Surprisingly he kept reassuring them all he felt better than ever, and he had some ideas on what happened but wanted to talk to Lucy before he told everyone. The Pradesh family understood, and were coming to terms on constantly being surprised by Lucy and her magic.

It was right before midnight that Lucy woke up gasping for air in Bixys bed and looking for Zen. Like she summoned the man himself Bixy barely had enough time to wake up before Zen was there in their doorway.

"This is weird." Bixy states.

Zen stayed quiet just staring at Lucy and Bix.

"Zen are you okay? Do you feel like your nerve endings are tingling? Are you light headed? Did you Just wake up too?" Lucy's started.

"Hold your horses Lucy, you just woke up. In fact you just woke me up too. You've been out since this morning. Are you okay?" Bixy asked focusing his attention on the girl sitting next to him.

"Since this morning!? Seriously? I feel fan-fucking-tastic! I feel like I could take Laxus on right now Bixy! Let's go for a run, wait no I wanna go swim! Better yet I need to have some sex, gods sex sounds so good!" Lucy practically exclaims.

All Bixlow could do is furrow his brows. Glancing at Zen Bix could see some sort of feeling in his deep purple eyes. Sighing and running a hand through his bed head Bix gets up. Wearing his normal boxers he goes out of the room.

"Princess...?" Zen asks when their alone.

"Hiya Zen!" Lucy chirps back.

Jumping out of bed she rubs up to the man and gives him a huge hug.

"Guess what I learned while I was out!?" She asks.

"What?" He questions.

"You're my soul kin! Can you believe it? I always wondered since that strange meeting why I was pulled towards you without any reason. You're like my brother from another mother... and father! And archangel mage explains everything! Our souls are connected each and every reincarnation we somehow find one another. Once we meet we start exchanging some of our souls and powers, and it was just the coincidence that it finished when we were meditating together. Thus the supernova of power. Each go around doesn't have to be romantic either, it can be sibling or friendship too. Stache Face and I should definitely talk more often, I always find out his secrets after they happen to me!" Lucy finishes with a pout.

"Are you referring to the Celestial King as 'Stache Face'? One of the strongest beings created that could squish your tiny human body with his pinkie finger?" Zen asked with humor in his tone.

"Hey, someone has to take him down a few pegs, I mean his ego is like the size of Earthland already." Lucy shoots back crossing her arms over her body.

"Alright, alright. Princess. I understand everything." Zen says rolling his eyes.

"When I was out I was visited by Draco, he told me about how your his champion without the normal perks or something like that?"

"Oh... yeah... uhm... Lets talk about that another time!" Lucy rushes out before pushing Zen out of the room and following behind him.

As the pair turn around they come face to face with the whole Pradesh fam standing in the hall way staring at them.

"Alrighty then, I'm starved what'd we have for dinner?" Lucy asks as she tries to avoid everyone's intense looks.

"Well the chef made some delicious roasted turkey, follow right this way little one." Arman starts as they link arms back to the kitchen as if its the most normal thing ever.

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