The Best Of Birthdays

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As the evening wore on Lucy's eyes stayed large, her mouth stayed smiling, and her hand stayed holding Bixys. They had tried all sorts of different foods, looked at different goods, watched amazing acts, and played lots of games. By far she had enjoyed watching the water bender play and incorperate real sea life in her show it was mesmerizing. The only thing that they had come across that she didn't like so much was the fire breather show because it reminded Lucy just a bit too much of her old partner, however Bixy of course beeing the attentive person he is noticed right away and redirected her towards some pretty silk scarves.

Constantly the Pradesh fam would show up and walk for a bit with the pair enjoying different things together before wandering back off. Sometimes even theyd just walk past together or with random people to wave before doing what they were doing.

Every moment that Lucy spent in Bosco the more and more difficult she found it to think of going back to Fiore. They had already been here for almost two weeks, and although she missed her apartment and the guild, she couldn't help the ache that set in when she thought of leaving. Not just the country but the Pradesh's, when she may have first joined Fairy Tail she thought it was a family but now she really understood the meaning behind the word from spending time with each and every one of them on top of just watching them interact together.

Where she may have been accepted right away in both scenarios, unlike Fairy Tail which right away started teasing her and trying to hide her from the world, the Pradesh wanted to learn more about her and train her to stand side by side with them. Both believed in her but in different aspects as well, Fairy Tail believed in her to do her best, but the Pradesh believed for her to do better, to improve and continue to improve. Along those lines everyone was mature enough and accepting enough to respect her as a mage, as an individual. To do things herself but know when to ask because she needed help.

Her attention was focused back on the man in front of her when a big juicy looking chocolate covered strawberry was trust in front of her face. Eyes large as saucers and practically going cross eyed Lucy could feel the saliva building up at just the thought of biting into the fruit.

"Say ahh Cosplay Queen." Bix requested.

Looking up to meet his playful yet intense gaze she opened up her mouth and waited for him. As soon as the fruit met her lip her tongue automatically flicked out to have a taste. Lucy noticed his Adam's apple bob and couldn't help but reach out to grab ahold of his hand holding the fruit to better guide it into her mouth. Biting down she could help the little moan that escaped her and the fluttering of her eyes as the sinfully delicious strawberry flavor floated across her taste buds. She could have died and gone to heaven it tasted so good. Before she knew it she finished the strawberry and noticed a bit of chocolate on his finger. Not thinking twice about her actions Lucy's tongue flicked out again to clean it off. His shuttering breathe was like music to her ears as a strange tingling sensation shot down her body.

After a deep breath Bix once again linked their hands before saying.

"Come on Cosplayer, just a few more things to do before it gets too dark."

Realizing the time Lucy took a look around to notice the sun was surely setting. She couldn't believe it, it felt like just minutes ago she was getting dressed and meeting Bix at the gates of the estate in order to walk around. But then again between petting all of the exotic animals and trying to beat Bix at different games she shouldn't have been too surprised by the time change.

Following her Bix the two of them started headed closer to the Pradesh home. Looking around Lucy noticed fewer people, and some tents already packing up for the night. She was sad but at the same time Lucy was pretty sure they had visited every place set up at least once tonight. They approached what Lucy thought should have been the house instead was a rather large tent she did not remember seeing previously. Looking up to her companion she could see a cheeky smile on his face. With that look at least she knew it was going to be a fun adventure whatever is on the other side of this flap.

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