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The two angels had decended to stand before the guild master. Kaleb had a large smile spread across his face. He had been listening in on their pair as the flew above the other members. Zens thoughts swirled around pride and ecourangement for the little blonde, she now had decent control over her wings. Lucy, wow Lucy's thoughts were all over. Excitement, joy, freedom, thrill, and most of all love. Already the young mage loved having her wings, being able to feel the air currents through each individual flap. She also couldn't wrap her head around the idea that her wings would now defend her, something she had always struggled with. All in all the little mage was in for a wonderful day.

"Alright you two, enough fun for the afternoon. We have things to do and people to see." Kaleb says before turning and heading out of the training room.

Lucy sighed and turned to jog quickly into the changing room, she knew Kaleb is a patient man but something in his smile urged her to hurry up. You're right Lucy, I am feeling a little impatient today. Kalebs voice sounded in her head. Straightening up and whipping her head around her surrounding she could have sworn he had walked the opposite way of her to leave. Oh I did, I'm simply in your head. Taking a deep breath Lucy shook her head and hoped he meant that in the way he was telepathically comunicating with her and not her subconscious had for some gods foresaken reason created her inner voice duplicating the White Sea guild masters voice, no matter how smooth and rich of a timber he has. Hearing the hearty and deep laugh echo in her head she knew it was actually Kaleb, no way would her inner voice laugh at her musings. Oh Stella you humor me so, now hurry that cute ass up we have things to do. With that Lucy hurried to finish putting her genie outfit back on. She couldn't help but run her fingers over the beautiful material, it was better than anything she had ever bought in Mangolia.

Speaking of home, she really needed to get back there. Poor master Laxus is probably swamped in paper work and financial work. Not that Lucy didn't think the master could take care of it, but there was still so much he was trying to learn to manage she liked being able to lighten his work load. Maybe she should give him a call to check in, or possibly Freed. As soon as Kaleb is done dragging her wherever they're off to she needs to find Bixy and ask him when their stay is over. Gods and stars just the thought of leaving this wonderful place made Lucy's fragile heart almost break. She had come to love each and every one of Bixys family members, their chief Mr Elan included. Nothing was really waiting for her back there other than Laxus, not that she wouldn't miss Levy or Gajeel, Cana and Mira. Freed and Ever of course, but each and everyone of them is moving on in their lives and Lucy really really felt like she belongs here in Bosco... It could be something to consider.

Picking up her bag she rushed a little to get out of the training room, reaching the last set of stairs to the main level she practically ran smack dab into Umbra.

"Woah where's the fire Stellula?" He teases as holding onto her upper arms so she didn't fall back down the stairs.

"Hey Umbra, kinda in a rush Kaleb says we have places to go."

"Oh does he now? How about you and I take a little trip into town?" A mischievous smile streched across his handsome face.

Lucy attempted to get out of his hold however instead of letting go Van simply pulled her flush against him. "Ah ah ah, can't run away from the big bad wolf. How about we make the old grandma guild master chase the wolf who has the bunny?"

Before Lucy could try and respond they were consumed by the voids. She could feel the slithering of the shadows across her skin. She clung to Vander as much as possible, the cold emptiness not something she wanted to play with. Knowing what sort of creatures could reside there she kept her face buried in Vans chest. With a whoosh they were deposited in the middle of city center right outside of a clothing shop. Grabbing her hand the dastardly wolf decided to drag her into the shop.

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