The Last Pradesh

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After Arman had retired most of the rest of the family sat around and shared stories, Lucy learned not only a lot about each of them as people but about Bixy as he was a child. It made her whole day when a very embarrassing story was brought up and it actually made Bixys cheeks turn a slight pink. Lucy wished she could have captured that on her com.

As the night got longer things quieted down, everyone was sitting around the large lounge room. Lucy had Bixys head in her lap, and she was leaning against Cris' shoulder. Van was siting against the couch with head right next to Bixys stomach his legs streched out on the ground. Both girls with sitting on the ottoman only a few feet in front of the couch group. Farron and Kableb were having a very delicate sounding conversation at a chess table not too far away, occasionally they would throw in their two cents on topics too.

Lucy had never been somewhere before where she just felt so completely at home. She didn't have to worry about feeling self conscious by the rude things Natsu said, she didn't have to worry about Juvia practically attacking her for have a conversation with Gray, she didn't have to listen to Erza stand around and command people to do things, and she also didn't have to worry about feeling like her team was looking down on her by not trusting her to be able to handle something. These people surrounding her treated her like she was on equal grounding with them even though she herself knows they're much more powerful than her. It was freeing really, it made a warmth build up straight from the core of her soul and spread through every nerve ending.

However just as unaware as Lucy usually is she didn't know that she was sending out pieces of herself to these people in the room with her. Another unusual aspect of her magic was to associate different people with strong feelings, and tie them to her by imbedding a sliver of her magic in each of theirs. Not enough to wield or make a difference, it was more of a beacon she placed upon them. A tiny silver star no bigger than a tak showed up on each of their right hands between their thumb and pointer finger.

From legend it signified the protection of the Stars, Lucy as the star wielder was placing a protection spell on them. For if those she cared so deep about were in danger, or in need of somebody like a sixth sense Lucy would hear their pleas.

Just as the seals were all placed Lucy fell into a peaceful slumber.

"Cris? Is she asleep?" Bix asked in a whisper.

Getting a nod from his brother Bixy quietly got up from the couch, putting his finger to his lips to keep his siblings quiet.

"Cris, will you bring her to my room please? I want to look into something."

With a slight furrow of his brow Cris did as he was told, gently scooping up the small girl only to nuzzle her hair as she moved around a bit.

"Thanks, keep an ear out you'll probs sly be able to hear me." Bix said.

Turning back to the group who were all staring at him weirdly he turned to make eye contact with Kaleb.

"Did you notice anything funny just happen? Or hear anything odd from Lucy?" He asked.

"No? She was only recently thinking about how happy she is before she passed out."

Bixx nodded scratching the back of his head.

"I don't know man, it was just like suddenly I felt this weird shift in the souls in the room. I'm going to take a quick look Alright?"

Activating his figure eyes they glow green as he searches each family members soul, at first nothing looks odd before he sees a small almost in noticeable teathr of gold tread linking all of his siblings. Turning around he sees Cris, who it is also linked to. What surprises him the most is that that thread lead down the hall to where Bix's room is located. Shaking his head and closing his eyes he turns off the power.

Slow Burn In BoscoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora