Just The Begining Of Bosco

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Lucys grip on Bixlows top was instense, she couldn't seem to make herself let go no matter how much she just wanted to run up and hug the life out of Arman after of course she politely introduces herself and asks permission to touch a man as great as him.

She heard a husky lithing chuckle that's she assumes is from the tall muscular platinum blonde man to Armans right side which she is pretty sure is Kaleb, but she doesn't bother to even tear her gaze from the twinkling green eyes upon the warm smiling face of her real life hero.

Lucy, so wonderful to finally meet the woman my son Bixlow can't seem to shut up about." Arman greets with his gentle something voice.

"Dadddd, stop!" Bixys whines in Lucy's ear. She couldn't keep the giggle to herself.

Tugging slightly on Bixys shirt he gets the hint and sets her down on the soft grass.Licking her suddenly dry lips Lucy blurts out the only thing she could seem to grasp out of thin air.

"Your eyes in person put every book description I've ever read about you to shame." Lucy's eyes widen as Armans smile gets even larger. She could feel the furious blush cover her chest and up to her face as she slaps her hands over her mouth.

"Quite the charmer is she." Araman chuckles.

"You've got no idea Dad! She'll knock your socks right off without even trying." Bixy laughs.

"She's soooooo cute!" Is all Lucy hears before she is wrapped up in warm strong but womanly arms and a sight full of golden hair and cleavage in her face. Lucy's wraps her arms around the lean waist.

"Em! Don't suffocate the poor girl before we're even properly introduced!" Another softer woman's voice calls out.

"You're no fun Xally! I just wanted to love on her before the boys take all of her attention." The one supposedly named Em grumbles back.

Finally Lucy is dropped almost finding her ass on the ground before shadows materialize around her, pulling her into the arms of the man she met earlier.

"Woah woah now, almost hurt our special cargo Stellula. Don't want Bixyboy going all protective wanna be lover on your ass now Em."

"Ohhh that's juicy, what pray tell is Van talking about Bix?" Em responds suddenly approaching the tense looking Bixy, stalking him like prey as he holds up his hands and tries to back away.

"Umbra that wasn't very nice, now Bixy is gonna have to run for his life." Lucy says.

"Don't worry about him little star there more important things for you to do, like meeting the rest of the family!" Van responds.

This time Lucy is properly placed on the ground, in front of none other than Arman himself.

Quickly she pats down her clothes before once again making steady eye contact with him. Lucy smiles her mega watt killer of all things nasty smile.

"Arman Tesion Pradesh, polical spokes man of the country Bosco, vocal ambassador for all things peace, and loving father of eight wonderful children who mostly came from unfortunate backgrounds yet were raised single handledly by you to reach amazing feats that other dream to do ." Lucy's eyes and voice soften by the end of her speech to that of wonder and compassion.

"Oh sweet girl." Is all she hears before she is swept up into a huge hug by Arman this time. Chuckling he twirls her around as she joins in with his laughter.

"You'll fit in here just wonderfully." Arman say before setting her down and leading her back to the group of awaiting bodies she has yet to be introduced to.

"Lucy dear, I would love to introduce you to my other children. Here is my eldest..." He starts off.

"Farron Pradesh, who followed in his fathers foot steps to become an ambassador of peace not only to give his father more time with his other children, but to also save him from going on the more risky and dangerous missions so that they don't have to worry about their father not coming home. Yeah I definitely admire you as well Farron." Lucy finished with another warm smile.

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