Whats better than one Zen? Two?

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The following day Lucy had joined some of the Pradesh family in going to the White Sea guild. They had passed it many times in their running around the city, and never in her wildest dreams did Lucy actually believe that she would make it inside. Never mind that now one of her friends was the actual guild master, and all of the family were members it was still mind boggling. The architecture was absolutely breath taking to her, cut stone, lavish designs on the outside. The inside held many beautifully large tapestries and pillows all around. The people are loud and cheerful, but of course as the whole family plus Lucy walked into the magical doors everyone stopped to stare.

Kaleb being the master stepped forward easily putting a handsome smile of his face, looking around the room and taking in the thoughts he cleared his throat. The guild became silent. "Ahh my wonderful guild, I would like to introduce you to our honorary member of the family and hopefully if you'll all accept her honorary member of the guild, Lucy Heartphillia."

Lucy's smile going from open and happy to strained by the end of Kalebs speech, she could feel the thousands of eyes staring directly at her as someone had pushed her right up front next to Kaleb. Luckily she hadn't fallen on her face right then and there, but of course she did want to dissapear. Finally the words registered into her cluster fuck of a brain and her mouth dropped open, a blush worked its way up her cheeks and moisture gathered in her eyes. Turning towards the large man next to her Lucy whispered out. "Honorary member of the family and maybe your guild too? How can.. why would.. I don't... You're too good to me!" She cried out before lunging towards the guild master.

Hearing her cracking voice the members of the family huddled around Kaleb and Lucy as they hugged. Bixy was finally able to get her to release her hold on Kaleb, pulling her back to his side and wiping away her tears. "No reason to cry Cosplay Queen, we all love ya and just want you to be happy." He said to her.

Lucy's mega watt smile took over her face and her eyes glowed with happiness as she looked around from her family towards the people of the guild. Smiling faces was what were directed her way, from all around. Bixy grabbed her hand and started introducing her to people, quickly she was talking and easily becoming friends with a lot of them. While she was preoccupied Bixy and a couple others of the family left. Zen and Kaleb remained.

After an hour or so of socializing Lucy realized she had misplaced her Bixy and started looking for him. Through the crowd she was intercepted many times, some to introduce themselves other propositioning her. By the time she finally spotted Zen relaxing by the bar her chest to her cheeks with tinted pink. Zen caught sight of her and smiled her way.

"Enjoying all the attention princess?" He asked with a bit of humor in his voice.

Sliding into the stool next to him she waved down the cute bartender to ask for some water. "You could say that." She shot back with a smirk. Highly interested now Zen leaned in close. "Oh? Is our princess actually more fun than she puts on?" Shaking her head Lucy responds easily. "Oh dear Zen, you don't know me well enough to know what kind of princess I am."

With a rueful smile Zen leaves it at that. They sit and chatter a bit talking about random things until Kaleb calls down to Zeb mentally asking him to bring the princess to his office for her stamp.

"Come." Zens falls standing up and grabbing her hand softly. He leads her up the multiple sets of stairs until they reach the third floor. Right away you can see the large dark mahogany door labeled Master Kaleb in white script. Knocking twice Zen hears the okay and opens the door. Inside Kaleb is sitting behind his dark wood desk flicking through his Lacrima screen before he sets in down and stand up. Going through his drawer he pulls out their stamp and approaches Lucy's side.

"Alright Lucy, we would like to formally invite you to be an honorary member of the guild. If you ever choose to visit again you will be welcomed here with open arms and if you ever choose to stay this will automatically be filled in and you will become a total member." Kaleb gently explains. "Now where would you like your outline?"

Lucy contemplates it for a second before pointing to her exposed left side. Kaleb presses the stamp to right next to her belly button for a second before the beautiful white outline of the guild stamp appears on her skin. Softly Lucy rubs her fingers along it, noticing it doesn't feel different than her skin like the mark on her hand. Looking up she smiles warmly at both Pradesh men. "Thank you Master Kaleb, I really appreciate this."

"Of course Lucy, we are very happy to have you." He responds before addressing the both of them. "Now Zen why don't you show Lucy the training room and help her with her wings some more." Zen nods heading to the door with Lucy following closely behind. The pair of them had to go down five sets of stairs this time to go past the main floor into the lower levels. The training room was ginaormous, easily half the size of the Fairy Tail guild hall. Decked out in any sort of exercise equipment a mage could dream of, tons of beams and acrobatic equipment, mats of all sizes and shapes, separated rooms for personal training. Signs that indicated to bathing rooms and locker rooms. Lucy was definitely impressed.

Jogging to the changin room Lucy quickly dipped into a stall with a curtain, not that she was uncomfortable with Boscan culture but with her mixed feelings right now she couldn't handle it. Pulling out of her bag a set of training clothes she changed out of her genie outfit and rejoined Zen.

They started out with an easy stretching routine before jogging around the track in the room. After about an hour of warm up they found a quiet mat off in the corner to mediate. No matter what Lucy did she couldn't seem to get the wings to bend to her will again like she did the first day, and no matter the patience Zen normal contains he also was getting frustrated. Zen not being a ceslestail Wizard, nor have tried to find his own sliver of her magic had no idea how she controlled her and was struggling to find a way to describe the function of his wings to her.

After a while an idea clicked into Lucy's mind. Channeling her Gemini star dress she touched Zen and quickly changed into him. She avoided his thoughts because she didn't want to breach his privacy though. Zen was impressed to say the least, she was a exact replica of him just a bit less in magical powers.

"Ah..." Lucy said in Zens voice. "I see now." Before unleashing Zens wings. Zen excited to see if she could fly this way released his own. Having two Zens with spread wings in the training room was gathering a bunch of attention. Many mages stopped their own training to watch the happenings. Both Zens streched their wings, flitting them around and contracting only to expand them back. One Zen had his eyes closed as he focused on the feeling, the other watched with a face full of glee at his trainees intellectual decision making.

The real Zen seeing the tenseness in Lucy/Zen enter their wings he prepared himself for flight. Right as Lucy took off upwards Zen followed, they played a quick agile game of cat and mouse. Obviously Zen was the much better flyer, however Lucy was quickly catching on to maneuvering. It was when Zen instead of running away from her turned and rushed her that Lucy learned of the wings automatic response mechanism. Zen had struck out with one of his fists close enough to Lucy that one of her wings deflected the punch. Restabalizing her flight Lucy quickly shot down to the ground, narrowingly avoiding another attack from Zen.

She hit the ground with a hard landing, but she was unharmed. She analyzed her magic levels and noticed she was loosing ground steadily holding this transformation. So as Zen graceful decended she lost her transformation turning back into herself. Looking up Lucy was greeted by wide eyed gazes and opened mouthes of a large quantity of the guild mates. Smiling shyly Lucy waved towards her guild mates before turning to Zen and nodding. Lucy had decided that if they wanted a show, she was going to give them one. Both Zen and her dropped into their stances, Lucy without wings yet, and Zen with his already out. Zen shot towards her scooping her up and flying her as high as he could, which in reality was stories up before dropping Lucy.

Lucy took a deep breath, closing her eyes and listening to the air rush past her. She could tell the ground was nearing, and just a few feet from hitting the ground she felt her wings come out. Using the wings she hovered a bit above the people before looking up at Zen. Smirking and narrowing her eyes she shot towards him much like he had to her prior. The two angels clashed up in the air, but before anything could get really fun they heard clapping. Stopping their hand to hand combat they both look down to meet Kalebs smiling face as he clapped.

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