High Flyer Club

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Although Lucy is often a quick study when it comes to all sorts of things she held a sliver of fear. What if with this new power circling within her she couldn't control it, or it made her a menace to her friends and family. It was really worrying her, besides the little bit on information Stache Face had given her on Zens magic during their unexpected dream meet up. Apparently Archangel mages are even more rare than Celestial Summoners, the last one being hundreds of years ago. Not only that but the two Magic's are very similar, that's why they are drawn to each other no matter what in every reincarnation. Zen often had visited the celestial world due to his teachings by Draco, and recently Lucy had been there often as well. Yet, they had never seen each other until his arrival here that one late night.

Now these two seemingly strangers are bonded, and share and affinity of their magic. It is comforting and crazy in all sorts of ways. Of course Lucy automatically accepted such things, as far as she can tell Zen is and amazing man. Not only that but he is apart of the Pradesh fam, and she literally loves every single one of them for different reasons. She just hope that which ever way this goes that they continue to welcome her and want her to be apart of their fam. It would seriously kill her if after all this time with these amazing people, she was no longer welcomed. One of her biggest fears to this day is not being accepted or not being enough. She was an adult, and she had faced many death defying things before. Now it was up to her to get over her fear, she wouldn't allow it to take any foot hold here in Bosco. She was in something good, something that made her feel more like herself than anything in Fiore ever had.

After convincing Bixy to come watch her and Zen train she skipped by his side down the long hallways of the Pradesh home. Smile on her face she turned her head to look at Bixy. His face doesn't look unhappy per say, but it definitely isn't her Bixys normal happy face. Nor was it his sexy smirk or devious goofy tongue hanging out. Feeling a pout on her face and a devious thought blossoming she all but smirks but happens to keep it hidden.

"Bixyyyyy..." Lucy whines with big pleading eyes looking up at him.

"Hmmm...?" He mumbles back not even glancing her way.

Another more prominent pout takes over her face.

Well if he won't even pay her no mind she will capture his attention.

Seeing Cris lounging in the living room with a book in his hand she all but rushes the poor man. Noting it was a book on celestial magic.

"Crissss!" Lucy all but jumps in the guys lap, luckily he has quick reflexes and easily caught her. Wrapping her arms securely around his neck, one hand in his hair she all but shoved her face into his neck nuzzling.

"Bix won't pay me any mind, and I even invited him out to help me train with Zen to spend time with him!" Lucy smirked against Cris' neck as she heard Bixy huff behind her. She knew whining was never the correct way to get what she wanted, but she felt like lately she hadn't been getting enough Bixy time and it didn't help when he barely paid attention to her.

She felt Cris chuckle as she rubbed her nose against his warm skin. He smells so soothing and easily comforted her upset heart.

"Oh whatever Cosplay Queen, get off Cris and let's go." Bix said. She could just imagine him rolling his gorgeous ruby eyes at her and crossing his arms over his firm chest.

Wrapping more around Cris she said out a short 'Nuh uh'. In reponce Cris just held her tighter against him, idling playing with her long pony tail with one hand.

Suddenly Bix's presence was upon them and before she could even prepare herself she was being thrown over a very broad shoulder. Her sight glued to the tan back with muscles shifting as he adjusted his hold on her thigh. Lucy didn't even care how high his grasp was, or how firm. His ass was way more important to focus on, especially with her hands splayed across his warm skin.

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