Lets Get It Started

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Slithering back into his room once the ladies were starting to get out of the bathtub Van couldn't help but let the large but gentle smile over take his face as he laid back on his bed. Lucy was surely something different, that was for sure. He could not wait to see her face tonight when it's all said and done. By tomorrow the family should have another little girl to spoil and he would for sure get an awesome Lucy Hug as a reward.

Vans musings were cut short by the deafening squeal that erupted from his wash room. Hopping up he was just about to open the door when it was yanked out his reach and Lucy battled out into his room in a flurry of white and gold.

Damn, if Van didn't hate not getting her himself before now he really hated it. Lucy stood tall, well as tall as someone five foot nothing could get. She looked like the definition of goddess, Eden had really outdone herself this time. Licking his lips Van had to step back in order to make it where he didn't reach out to her.

She wore a shimmering iridescent sheer white silk bottom, shaped like a high wasted thong with thick straps. Oh Van bet her ass just looked so bitable. Shimmering gold stars in the form of a chain lining up one, two, three connected across her thighs from the front to her behind. Glittering gold gems lined the top of her bottoms. A thin normal gold body chain wrapped around her torso and up through her cleavage to wrap around her neck, large white opals were here and there along the chain.

Her top barely contained her massive chest. Large white bedazzled stars covered the most important part of her breasts, multiple ribbons with interlaced gold gems ran up to her neck and behind her to her back. Two up, two back and one connecting the two stars together. Small golden stars also dangled from her top slightly down her torso. Lucy had more white ribbons flowing up each of her arms and legs, reaching about half way on each. Looking closer Van could see her body appeared to be dusted in opal power making her alabaster skin radiant.

The most brilliant part of the outfit was the head piece with her blonde hair curled and flowing freely down her back. It consisted of a few fluffs of white feathers pointed back with a large golden star on top of her head. In the center of the Star was a familiar looking red eye. Hanging across her forehead was small chains of gold with opals, the final chain had a singular red ruby that rested right above and in between her brows. Her make up was modest and natural only added to with sparking lips like a opal and long black lashes. Lucy was going to make every man bow and her feet tonight.

"Van you haven't seen the coolest part! Watch!" Lucy cheered happily.

She started twirling and Van was amazed to watch her wings come out looking as soft as a baby ducks feathers. Which was interesting because now with them being slightly iridescent it almost looked like an illusion. Her childlike excitement was utter contagious and before he knew it Van was being outfitted with skin tight black shorts, his top taken. Dark red father woven into pieces of his hair and some red paint smeared across his body. Black leather bands on his wrists, upper arms and one on his neck. Shaking his head Van could only smile at Lucy as she sat there and giggled.

"Come Stellula, it time to go." He said reaching his hand out for her to grasp. He nodded to Virgo, noticing the easiesr looking quirk to her lips before he pulled their light to his chest and let the shadows swallow them.

Easing out of the shadows Vander was happy to see Lucy's face just light up as she took in their surroundings. It was still early in the evening but the slight glow catching her face was even more mesmerizing. They were standing at the entrance of the Pradesh estate, the entrance being two miles out from the front door of the house. There in a line in front of the house stood the whole family, except Bixy. Which she seemed to have noticed right away, and locking gazes with Kaleb and receiving a nod in return he knew he was right. Van was hoping to sidetrack her enough to where she didn't notice right away. Ah oh well, it won't ruin everything.

Everyone was dressed to the nines, some minor, others like Emzadi dressed in even less than Lucy but with more feathers. It was a sight to see, Van couldn't remember the last time they had all gotten together and celebrated in such a way. Looking down at their little light his heart warmed just a bit more. Eyes never leaving Lucy Van turned to face her and walk back towards his family. He saw the confusion enter her eyes but he just smiled some more. Right as she was opening her mouth to ask what was going on the whole family threw their hands in the air releasing glitter and yelling.

"Happy birthday Lucy!"

Lucy couldn't help but bring her hands to her mouth in order to try and stop her blubbering. Her eyes started to water as she looked upon her new family and friends. These people who barely knew her were doing something special just for her birthday. Holding the tears from falling she smiled with all her worth back at them. Suddenly Van opened up arms as shadows in the shape of wings sprouted out. He called.

"But wait! There's more!"

And with a big gust the gates of the house blew in revealing Bixy standing there with a hand full of star gazers lilies and that huge smile on his face she loved so much. Lucy couldn't hold back the tears any longer, her heart was just so full. She had no doubts all of this was due to the mentioning of her best friend. For so many years she had done her best to forget her birthday and already avoided telling anyone about it. Her birthdays in the past had been before her moms passing precious moments where they spent every moment awake together doing all the things Lucy wished of doing. From trying new foods, to star gazing for hours on end. When Momma had passed she spent her time in solitude forced to be alone by a man who no longer cared about what she wanted or wished to do. The experience was so heart wrenching Lucy swore she was never going to give anyone the opportunity to ruin something that was suppose to be so meaningful.

Even though her tears were blurring her vision and she swore her smile was going to break her face in half she couldn't help but run right into Bixys arms. She had never felt to appreciated, so loved as she felt right in that moment in his arms and surrounded by his wonderful smell. This was home, wherever he was, she wanted to be by his side. Looking up her tears started to slow, Lucy couldn't help but lean her head into his hand as he brushed her tears away. She was so happy.

"Come on now Cosplayer, we have a whole evening to enjoy. Don't cry." Bix said.

Nodding her head Lucy finally took the chance to look at everything around them. Bixy was dressed in black shorts, had swirling red, blue and green paint all over his body. Small green gems lined his eyes making them that much more captivating. Gold circuits were on his biceps and one around his throat. Gods he was glorious.

Looking around she was mystified. All around were tents popped up with shopping, games, food. People mostly from the guild Lucy recognized were mulling around doing this or that. There was live music and performers walking around playing with fire or juggling. Looking up at her partner all she could do was smile and stare. Grabbing a hold of Bixys free hand she watched his face light up even more as she dragged him into the crowd of people. Laughter escaping her as he almost tripped himself to keep up with her. Tonight was the first night in many years Lucy was going to enjoy her birthday.

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