Prologue: Destruction of Lithone

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Throughout the depths of space, a strange mechanical planet approached the planet Lithone. Lithone is a very peaceful planet. You could say that it's the robotic version of Earth; happy children running around, girls chatting, and scientists working in labs. However, that would soon change.

A Lithone civilian named Kranix was carrying three beakers with colored liquids on a tray, and his assistant, Zeta, was with him. He entered one of the labs and handed the tray to a Kranix scientist named Arblus, who set the tray down on a table. Suddenly, the entire planet started shaking, as if there was an earthquake. This caused the beakers to fall down and break, spilling their contents on the floor.

The shaking only grew more violent with each passing second. Kranix quickly ran to a window, shocked to see what was happening. "Arblus, Zeta, look! It's Unicron!" he shouted.

The mechanical planet, then started to consume the planet, sucking up civilians, and parts of buildings. Arblus replied, "I don't believe it. We have to escape the planet, before it's late!" The planet's pinchers then dug into Lithone, causing civilians to flee. "The ships! Get to the ships! It's our only chance!" Kranix called as he, Arblus, Zeta, and some other Lithones were running away from the giant planet-eating monstrosity. They quickly got to their spaceships, and they took off.

However, Kranix and Zeta were the only ones able to make it, as Arblus, with the ship he was in, got sucked into the mechanical planet, yelling, "Kranix! Aaahh!!" The planet Lithone was being consumed by Unicron, and thanks to Lithone being a relatively large planet, the planet was powered up tremendously. Now fully charged up, the planet set off for the next planet it would destroy: Cybertron...

Who's Died So Far?: All of the Lithones (excluding Kranix and Zeta)

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