Chapter Two: Battle of Autobot City

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Quick Key: Kickback, Sharpshot, and/or Bombshell in italics = Insecticlone

Planet: Earth

Location: Hingfolk Loch, Crown City, Oregon, USA

Date and Time: August 28, 2015, 4:32 PM

On Earth, in the state of Oregon and outside of Crown City, the neighboring city to the city of Eugene, Sideswipe and Russell were fishing at Lake Hingfolk Loch, but they hadn't caught anything yet. "The fish are jumping today, huh, Russell?"

"I guess so," said Russell, sounding bored.

"Hey, what's the matter?" asked Sideswipe.

"Eh. I don't know, Sideswipe," said Russell, as a fish swam by the bobber on his fishing rod.

"Come on, you can tell me. What's on your mind?" the young Autobot asked.

Russell replied, "I guess I just miss my mom and dad." Sideswipe put his hand on Russell's shoulder, comforting him.

"Don't worry, Russell, they'll back soon- Oh, hey! I caught something!" Sideswipe reeled in the line on his fishing rod, and on the bobber was a big fish. At least, it was big to Russell, while it looked quite small compared to Sideswipe.

"Whoa, look at the size of it!" exclaimed Russell.

"Yep, it's a whopper all right," said Sideswipe.

Suddenly, there was a beeping in Russell's pocket. He pulled his phone from his pocket, and it showed a view of Earth within its atmosphere, and the beeping was from a blinking light approaching North America. "Sideswipe, the Star Talon's coming! Let's watch it land!" "Talk about dull, Russell, but all right." Sideswipe threw the fish he caught back into the lake, and Russell ran to his hoverboard.

"Hurry, or we'll miss it!" called Russell, as he jumped on his hoverboard and set off for a place to watch the shuttle land, Sideswipe following close behind.

As he was on his hoverboard, Russell flew over a bush and hit a rock. However, Sideswipe caught Russell and his hoverboard, saying, "If you're gonna ride, ride in style!" Sideswipe then transformed into his car mode, and Russell ended up in the front passenger seat.

As they approached Autobot City, Russell looked out the window to see rocks and pine trees everywhere. They were getting close. "Hey, let's stop here!" said Russell.

"Why settle for a peek, Russell? Lookout Mountain is the place to go!" As the two approached Lookout Mountain, Strongarm was helping out Tracks, Quickshadow, and Arcee with the security cordon. The road to the top of the mountain was being repaired.

"A little to the left. A little bit more," instructed Strongarm as the other three Autobots moved a fence piece together. Suddenly, she hear the sound of a driving car. She looked behind herself to see Sideswipe in his car mode up ahead, with Russell inside.

"Sideswipe, stop!" called Strongarm.

Tracks, Quickshadow, and Arcee got out of the way, and Strongarm did the same right before Sideswipe busted right through the blockade. "Sorry, Strongarm! Hahaa!!"

"Slag it, Sideswipe! I'll straighten you out, yet!" threatened Strongarm as Sideswipe drove out of sight. Strongarm then muttered under her breath, "I swear to Primus, he's gonna be the offlining of me one of these days..."

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