I Have to Do It...

39 0 3

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019

*It's just me, at home, sitting at my work desk. Just so you know, I don't actually have a work desk where I live.*

Me: Man... What needs to happen next? Dang it, I need to complete this chapter, but, at the same time, I just can't...

*Suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps from behind. But they sound... different.*

Me: Who's there?! Show yourself!

???: So, you're feeling conflicted?

Me: What the... It's you.

*The figure steps out of the shadows to reveal that it's... Windblade.

Windblade: It is. You seem pretty unsure to continue the story.

Me: Yeah. It's just that... I just have a lot on my plate, you know? I have schoolwork, and I'm trying to take care of it.

Windblade: And you still want to continue writing this story?

Me: Yes. But the only reasons I haven't published chapter 8, let alone finish it, are because I haven't exactly been using my free time to write the story, and I'm having trouble working out the dialogue.

Windblade: Well, I can understand how it feels to be tapped out... But you can't just give up.

Me: Yeah, you're right. I have to finish this chapter. This story has been dormant for almost a month. I have to keep going.

Windblade: Keep on it. Don't push yourself too hard. You can do it.

Me: Right. Thanks...

Well, guys, I'm back after almost a month. I kind of needed to recharge my batteries after writing seven chapters in less than two months. Because of this little bonus chapter where I have a chat with Windblade, there will be no author's note for chapter 8. I'm going to continue writing chapter 8 of this fanfic, and, though I can't promise anything, I'll try to finish this by next week. Wish me luck, guys.

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