Chapter Five: Reformation & Coronation

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Location: nearing the end of the Sol System, passing by Neptune

Time: 9:58 AM

Astrotrain had been flying through the depths of space for a while, passing by the planet Neptune, the farthest known planet from the Sun. He had been carrying the Decepticons who fought in the Battle of Autobot City; those who were well, and those who were injured. Thundercracker, Sharpshot, Kickback, Skywarp, Bombshell, Slipstream, and, of all people, Megatron, were the ones severely injured during the battle.

On board, Acid Storm was sitting next to the injured Slipstream, asking, "Slipstream, are you going to be okay?"

"I... will be fine, Acid Storm," Slipstream said, weakly, clutching the slash mark that had damaged her chest with her right hand. "However, should I go offline, you shall become the new second-in-command of the Seekers."

"What else?"

"If Starscream gets killed because of his stupidity, you shall become the new leader of the Seekers, and thus become a Decepticon Air Commander."

"Are you sure? I may be one of the best Seekers of the Decepticons, next to you, Skywarp, and Thundercracker, but I don't know if I can handle the responsibility of being an Air Commander."

"That's what I first thought when I became... the Seekers' second-in-command. But you have to stay... strong."

"O-Okay, Slipstream."

At first, it seemed like the return trip to Cybertron was going fine. However, upon exiting the Sol System, Astrotrain ran into a problem. "Hey, Starscream? I think there's something wrong."

"What is it, Astrotrain?" asked Starscream, patiently waiting to get back to Cybertron.

"My scanners read that we're less than a megacycle away from Cybertron. But during the battle, I took some damage while fighting the Autobots. Now, both my fuel and my energon reserves are going down quicker than normal. And because I got damaged while we were in Autobot City, I can't carry as much weight as normal."

"Soundwave, is this true?"

"Fuel reserves have declined to 27 percent and energon reserves are at 18 percent. Probability of return to Cybertron: sub-moderate," said Soundwave in his monotone voice.

"What are you suggesting?" asked Barricade.

"Jettison some weight, otherwise I'll never make it to Cybertron!"

"Okay, then. Fellow Decepticons! Astrotrain has requested that we lighten our burden," announced Starscream.

"In that case," said Dragstrip, "I say survival of the fittest works every time!"

Ready for the Decepticons to take a vote, Starscream asked, "Do I hear a second on that?"

"Aye!" said a majority of the Decepticons, excluding Acid Storm and including Slipstream.

"And against?"

"Nay..." said the injured Thundercracker, Skywarp, Bombshell, Kickback, and Sharpshot.

"The ayes have it!"

So Starscream opened up the starboard hatch, and the healthy Decepticons, except for Acid Storm, were like rabid cyber-dogs as they pushed the wounded Decepticons out into the abyss of space.

Then, Starscream picked up the damaged body of Megatron, and walked over to the opened hatch, saying, "Oh, how it pains me to do this!" with a smile on his face. Clearly, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

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