43 4 4

Ryland wakes Shane up. Drew, Ryland and Shane stand up and head into Garretts room. He was breathing but not moving.
Dr = Doctor

Dr - He stared breathing after we put the ivs in him

S - Is he in a coma

Dr - I'm afraid so

R - How long do you think he will be in this coma

Dr - I'm not sure, it could be anywhere from 2 weeks and up

D - *whispers to self quietly* this is all my fault

Drews pov

As Shane, Ryland and the Doctor talked I stayed silent saying it was my fault to myself. I knew that Garrett loves me, and not in the way that Shane and Ryland do. Garrett cares about me alot. He is the sweetest person I have and proably will ever meet. Shane and Ryland are amazing but Garrett has always had that special difference. And thats what I like about him. I am straight, and im not sure if Garrett knows that. And I dont think he does. But there is something I know I have to do. When Garrett wakes up from this coma I am going to kiss him, I know that could make stuff worse cause I'm not going to date him but I want to make him happy, even if it only last for a while.

D - Can I stay here overnight

S - Me to

Dr - only one person can stay overnight, and then the other to of you can come in at 10 when our visiting hours start

D - Shane do you mind if I stay

S - huh... Oh yeah, you can stay

D - Ok thanks

S - No problem

Shane and Ryland head out of the hospital. Garretts parents werent there because he lived with his grandparents who were aloud to leave the house, and they didnt have any phones so there was no way of contact. Garretts parents had both died at a young age at a shooting. Garrett was only 2 months old at the time so he didnt really know his parents since he was only a baby. So Garrett was used to living with his grandparents. Garrett didnt care that much about losing them since he was never close to them, losing them at such a young age.

Garrett was really never at his house because he didnt want to get to attached to his grandparents since they were going to die sometime in the next year. So he stayed at his friends house most of the time.

Shane and Ryland left the hospital. They headed into the parking lot. Once they got into the car and Ryland started driving. Shane stared talking

S - Ryland am I staying at your house tonight

R - I would say yes, but I think it's better if you don't

S - That's fine

R - Ok

S - Random question but can you call me so we can hear each other, like were there together.

R - Yeah

Ryland drives Shane to his house and kisses him goodbye. Shane called Ryland 20 minutes later. Ryland was lying in bed and so was Shane. But they weren't in the same bed. But it was like they were. They fell asleep to the sound of each other sleeping. Shane stayed up longer listening to Ryland breath.

(In the morning)

Shane wakes up to the sound of rocks being thrown at his window. He knew it was Ryland so he headed downstairs. Shanes mom was in the kitchen and she saw Shane so she wanted to tell him something.
M = Mom

M - Shane there is something I have to tell you

S - What is it

M - Your dad and I are getting a divorce

S - What

Shane stared crying, he knew this was going to happen, but he wasn't ready for when it was going to happen.

Shane ran outside not even bothering to say hi to Ryland. Ryland say Shane and ran after him. Shane was ruing tword his car, and Ryland just barely made it. Shane let Ryland in and he just started driving, they didnt talk the whole ride was just silence. When they got to the hospital which was where they were going Ryland mumbled something quietly

R - are you ok baby

S - yeah, can we go inside

R - Sure

Shane walked up to the hospital hoping that Garrett whould be awake. Ryland knew that Shane was not ok, especially how hurt and angry he looked when he was running out of his house and driveing to the hospital. Ryland had never seen Shane like this.

Once Ryland caught up with Shane they walked inside and checked in. Shane saw Drew in the wating room with his head in his hands crying.

Shane ran up to Drew

S - What happend

D - The doctor said that there is only a 50% chance he will survive, and if he does survive he might not remeber much or anything, he could also be paralysed from the middle back down

S - How did it get this bad

D - I dont know

They visited Garrett every day for the next 5 months


Nothing, he still hadent woken up

(6 months later)

Garrett had been in a coma for almost 7 months

While the three boys we sitting in the wating room they got called into Garretts room,

Dr - He is showing signs of life

R & D - Really

Dr - yes

S - Is he going to be like be for

Dr - Chanses are no

D - Thats ok as long as he was alive

Shane was sitting on one of the two chairs in the wating room, His parents were getting a divorce in a week and he was supposed to go to the court case to get told who he was going to stay with. But shane didnt want to go, as he wanted to stay with Ryland.

The silence in the room is broken by a crashing noise of the iv bad falling. This caused a shocked expression to form on Garretts face.

So quickly at least 3 doctors came into the room. They made Shane, Ryland, and Drew go into the wating room.

Shanes phone made a beeping noise he had got a text from his mom. He didn't read it as he knew it was about him going to the court case. He still didnt know if he was going to go.

(40 minutes later)

The 3 boys got called into Garretts room

Garrett was awake

[a/n wow this chapter is 1100 words long which is alot for me. Thanks for all the support I have been getting ☺♥🐷 - lya Garrett]

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