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Drew had moved out of New Jersey, Garrett was added to The Connor Project in the fight for them to not be forgotten. Shane and Ryland had bought an apartment together. They adopted a golden retriever, which was a puppy. They decided to name the dog Uno. On October 1st was the memorial assembly for Garrett and Connor.

(I stared writing the chapter but then wanted to make this announcement so heere it is)

[a/n Just in case you can't tell, this book has taken a new turn which I didn’t expect to happen. So this book is no longer just A shyland book and will be adding more points from Dear Evan Hansen (DEH) and some new points from Be More Chill (BMC). If you are not in these fandoms I am sorry if you don’t to continue reading this but it is a choice I have made. I was having ideas that were similar to this already that involved SO much stuff from DEH and BMC. If you think that there won’t be any more Shyland in this book trust me the will be, but I am not enjoying writing this as much as I used to, And I think if I upgrade it (pun intended) and add more fandoms I’m in into it I will enjoy writing it SO much more. I think that this will benefit my enjoyment and the story so much more. Also I’m had this idea a while ago but didn’t go through with it because I wasn’t sure if you guys would like it. But I do, so I’m just going to do it anyways. If you will no longer read the story I thank you for even reading it at all, but if you continue reading again I thank you for reading my story. And lastly I have shared this idea before but im not sure if you have seen it so..... Heere it is. ⬇

Shane and Ryland will be living together in an apartment with uno. Garrett and Connor have become friends and will continue to go around in spirit form. The group from Be More Chill will be friends with Shanes group and the Dear Evan Hansen group. I will be keeping most of their personality the same as when their on show but for Dear Evan Hansen I will proably change some of them to the way they are in the book, I just like them better that way. Now about ships in this book. For me ships come and go so they might change but if you don't ship it I'm sorry and if you want to tell me a ship I might use it.]

(Also I wnt to thank bbraefan101 for being to cool and helping me with ideas, so thanks ☺❤)

Well I love you all so much and thanks for coming along with me in this journey. Byee

*cough cough* don't question the video on top 😂😂

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