The Worst One: Truth of Mistakes

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To most it was just like any other night. Looking up at the sky to see the moon that had shattered. From one point of view it looked like those fragments were pulling away from the moon. I saw it like those fragments were coming together to be whole once more. Penny for thought. Jeeze!
Monty Oum this uniform is killing me. I would love to unclip the collar but I'm afraid Milla will bust my chops about it. As if it was on Q of my sentence I heard the voice of a nagger, but she did sounds like she wanted to bust my chops but she was actually holding a conversations.
"You were gone almost the whole afternoon," Milla said walk out behind me I resumed looking at the pieces trying to come together again, "you must be happy to see you old team."
"Old team?! No I would say it was like that. Besides I haven't meet the rest of STRQ." I laughed off Milla's assumption.
"Where you close?" I turned my head slightly towards her as she continued, "that Raven woman, where you close to her?"
I looked up at the moon once more. Thinking to myself why others thought it was like each fragment was pulling away. My perception was the fragments of that whole didn't want to infect the whole so it tore away. It was a silly way of looking at it, but it was the best way to see the fragments.
"I'd like to believe we were since she would offer me help from time to time, but I don't think there was anything else along those lines."
"I see..." with those Milla's footstep became distant leaving the balcony. Once again I was alone like the farthest fragment in the sky. I wonder if I'll ever be whole again.

"Fighting with your team again." Like on que Raven spotted me. I rolled my eyes turning my body...and in the moonlight shine a beautiful woman in a stunning dress. A single strap black dress that dropped low to her ankles, her hair was tied up together in a large bun a large with a two feather hair clip on the side Of her head.
I think I just lost a pulse for a moment.
"Would you mind not starring, I've been getting look all night." Raven blushed rose red from ear to ear.
"W-What? Oh I ah right Grimm! I mean..." raven turned her head sideways while I made an ass of myself being so tense nervous, "I-I, you look very beautiful Raven."
"Great you to..." she sighed walking towards me leaning her elbows on the railing, "these kind of events aren't my thing I prefer going out on mission. Not wearing this silly ass dress."
"Funny I was thinking the same thing about my uniform. You shouldn't let that bother you to much. Think about how often you able to be dressed up like that." I looked over at raven smiling, but she was gloom. Why? Was being around me just boring to her. When I looked up at the sky once more my mind was clear so I spoke up, "let me tell you a story, when I was young people looked to the sky seeing the moon destroyed and they would say to themselves the remnant of that moon was you old self while the fragments was a new part of you looking for something anything. And those fragments would just be drifting off never able to find what they are looking for. When I told my mother that story she laugh as she said they're many interpretation about that lone moon. She told me the story my father told her. That the moon was us new or old. We were never complete no matter how hard we might try. Be eventually someone come as those fragments wether be friend family or someone we care about a bit of them will help us be whole again." I glanced down at raven, her bangs covered her eyes yet she still was smirking. That's a good start. Come on I need something Raven the situation now is to dry.
"I see where everyone is coming from," she speaks finally, "can you say the same about you Y/N about us? We're we just the fragments to your whole or was there anything there to begin with!"
I put my head I knew where she was coming from. I had left without saying anything to her. I couldn't imagine what Raven and Qrow had to go through while growing up, the people they met, they lost, they killed. I could have been someone special to her yet there I was thinking for myself.
Raven rested her hand on my forearm, her hand fidgeting desperately trying to hold on. I lifted her head up gently like a figure on glass. Her eyes as beautiful as they were, Ravens red eyes shined like crystal. A look of worry was painted on my face as well. Raven rested her hands on my chest moving her fingers having them naturally spread apart. As a tear start to escape her eye I caught it wiping it away in moments. I placed my hand on her cheek. Raven burred into, the more I looked at Raven in the moonlight the more beautiful and attractive she looks. Moving in closer I can feel her breathing, she closes her eyes as do i. Her lips were soft and sweet. I pulled away after holding our kiss for a few moments.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now