Chapter 1: Scourge! Silver! Gadget! You're back!

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Sonic POV

"Wake up, shit! You're so damn worthless!" My 'father' slurred. He's drunk already?

I sat up from my 'bed', which was a piece of cardboard, and my pillow was my backpack. I yelped when he threw his beer bottle at me. It left pieces of glass stuck in my skin, which bled. I should be immune to the pain since this happens every day, but I'm not.

"Hurry up! I don't have the energy to beat you right now! Get me drinks too when you get back-" He fell right in front of me. Probably past out I thought to myself. Well, time to get ready. I already had my black sweater on and my baggy jeans on so that only left my socks and my shoes.

"What time is it?" I asked myself I took a look on my phone, I still had it ever since mom bought it on my thirteenth birthday. It's an iPhone, I don't how she had the money to buy. She abandoned me with my 'father' two years ago. I sometimes wish she were still here, then maybe my 'dad' wouldn't be like this.

It was 5:26 am my phone read. Might as well go get him his beer, I thought. I sighed as I slipped on my socks and shoes. I yelped at the pain in my hip, blood leaked out, but it wasn't noticeable.

I took my dad's wallet, for the ID and the money. Since I didn't have my own.

~Time Skip~

It's time to face hell, I thought as I looked at the school. I dropped off the beer at the house a few minutes ago, and let me just say, I didn't need the ID, the guy just let me off 'cause 'I was cute.'

My ear twitched when I heard some voices behind me. I immediately figured them out. My eyes went wide when I heard him speak, "Well well well, look what we have here."

I forced a whimper not to come out. His hands forcefully grabbed my shoulder and slammed me against the wall. I gasp when the impact made a connection with my back, the scars almost opened up. "He looks so pathetic!" Fleetway laughed.

"Indeed he does." Infinite chuckled.

Mephiles just stayed quiet watching the scene.

"I wonder if I could make him scream"(That sounded wrong. Me and my dirty ass mind. Plz forgive meh for this next part XD
She wants me at the party
She wants at the mall
She wants me in the bathroom stall~
Dirty mind
Dirty mind
D-D-D-Dirty mind
Okay I'm done now)

"He'll probably cry and run home," Fleetway said while he did a fake sob. If Scourge were here, he'd beat the shit out of everyone them. Silver would use his telekinesis to throw them against objects. Gadget would use his inventions just like Tails would. I miss them all.

He readied his fist, which aimed for my face. Why does God hate me? I bet he wants me to suffer. My life was so shitty he just wanted to make more. My thoughts were cut short when his fist connected with my mouth. Then my nose, my eyes, finally my stomach.

I let out silent screams or gasps when he would punch me. He then started choking me, my hands weakly grasped his wrists trying to pry them off, but to no avail, I failed. Why am I doing this? I already want to die...


The bell rang indicating class was starting. "Huh. Guess we'll have to continue this another time." He smirked as he let go of my throat. I hit the ground then gasped and coughed for air I lacked.

They all laughed at my pathetic form and left. Tears fell down my cheeks. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried. I soon felt the drops of water so I pulled up my hoodie.

Have you ever been hurt by the one you love or like? It hurts really. Shadow's been the only one I liked, wait no loved. It's been hard every time I've faced him, I'd always hoped that one day he'd noticed how my life is, but I gave up once he said 'who would care if you were gone, I know I wouldn't.'

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