Chapter 15: You're... ignoring me?

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Sonic Pov

"Stop moving dammit! Let me change your bandages!" I whined, turning over, my back facing Scourge now. I heard him growl in annoyance making me smirk.  Though, it was only so long before, "I'll get the fuckin' syringe." The tone of his voice said that he meant it. So, I jolt back giving him my injured ankle.

Now, it's his turn to smirk

"That's what I  thought."

It had been two weeks since then. Shadow would come in, do homework with me, then leave. The whole time he was here we would never speak unless I had a question about something. I would say it doesn't matter, we aren't friends, but I actually somewhat started becoming attached to him. Every time he's here, I can't help but think about how much butterflies he gave me.

I also have seen him staring at me through my peripheral vision. He seemed to have mixed emotions in his eyes, I couldn't really put my finger on it. Though, I kinda hoped he didn't hate me.

That makes me worry.

What if he does?

It'll be the old way again. Except with backup on my side. Shadow is very complicated. WIsh he didn't have to be this way.

"I'll bring you some of the leftover pizza, " Scourge said. I hummed in response.

My foot was kinda healed the doctor said that I would be in bed for at least two more weeks, then I could start walking. I sighed contently laying back down as soon as Scourge wrapped up my ankle. This bed...  is my love.

I was kind of tired and wanted to sleep, but couldn't.

I yawned thinking about why Shadow would be ignoring me. Hates me? Not sure. Did I do something to piss him off? If I did, I don't remember. I should apologize then. Maybe... he just doesn't wanna see me anymore? I could tell him to ask the teacher to assign Scourge, Silver, or Gadget.

I may be just overthinking this but it sort of hurts. Your crush ignoring you fucking sucks.

I'll just have to see how long this goes.


Short asf but it's an update.

I have decided to make this story longer.

I'm back! My original laptop was being an ass and had to get a new one.

There go my savings...

But anyways hope you enjoyed it!

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