Chapter 10: Th-Thank You...

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Scourge Pov

I laugh loudly as my friend made a joke, "Damn dude! That was a good one!"

"Not as good as your body," He flirts. I chuckle.

"Well my body isn't as good as your lips~" I flirt back. He smirks, "How would you know?" I smirk pulling him to my height.

"I'll find out~" We look at each other before bursting out laughing. "We are weird friends, dude." I chuckle and look at my friend. 

"Ayo, you good?" I yelp when I feel arms wrap around my waist. A possessive growl near my ear making my face flush.

"Fleet calm down we were playing around." I squirm in his grasp, before giving up. I sigh leaning into him.

"It's fine Rick, he's just jealous." Rick stares at me smiling.

"Nah it's fine!" He sent a glare at Fleetway, making me confused. Fleet, of course, sent one back but more fierce. That seemed to make him leave quickly.

"He likes you, " Fleetway mumbled, I frown hesitantly pecking his cheek. That seemed to lighten up his mood, "You gave me another kiss! Yay! Another one please!" I blush.

"S-Shut up! Stop! HEY- don't hug me! AGH STOP! Don't touch there-!"

Sonic Pov

I whimper, "S-Stop, please. I-I'm s-sorry!"

"Shut the hell up! Just because Shadow has taken a small amount of liking to you. Doesn't fuckin' mean you won't get beat up, fag."

The guy pins me against the wall while growling in my ear. 

"You have a nice body, maybe I'll have some fun with you~" My eyes widen, as tears prick the corners of my eyes.

"Ay, dude! What about us?"

"Of course you guys too shitheads." Well, this has happened to me before so why am I scared? I clench my eyes shut as I feel him start to nibble at my neck. Just end this please real quick...

"What the fuck do you guys think you're doing?!" A voice came from the side. 

"Sup Shadz? We were just about to have some fun with the fag here. Wanna join?"

Suddenly, my arms were free, I try to stand on my own but fall to the ground because of how bad I was trembling. There was the sound of the sophomores.

"The fuck man?!" I open my eyes to see Shadow standing over me protectively. I blush, 'Does he care about me?'

Shadow lets out a loud growl, making the sophomores quickly get up and leave. He sighs turning around. He kneels in front of me, "Did they do anything bad to you?"

"N-No you got b-before th-they could do anything major." He sighs in relief, "Come on I'll drop you off again." He gets up holding his hand out for me to take. I smile grabbing it. Though I stumble a bit. 

"Woah! Easy there!" He holds onto me.I smile sheepishly, "Sorry." 

Sorry for this short chapter ;v;

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