Chapter 13: Am I... Dreaming?

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Another appetizer ^^

The main dish is coming soon though I promise! uwu

Sonic Pov

"Pathetic piece of shit! Open the fuckin' door!" My father called from the door. I had come here yesterday to get the rest of my things. I planned to sneak in and then leave, but I woke up my father. That damn floor just had to break!

I can't get out of here though, the window slammed shut and it won't open back up again. My phone broke when the floor broke. How? Well, when the floor broke my phone fell out of my hoodie pocket, and in the process to look for my phone, I stepped on it. Explain how the battery managed to break too?! 

Great just great...

"Open the damn door!" My father yelled. I whimper, trying to look for a way out of this hellhole. My eyes scanned the area, looking at anything that might help me escape or defend myself if my father managed to enter the room. The bangs on the door became much louder, and stronger, I thought the door might break.

The closet, I could hide in there!

I scrambled into the closet, sliding it closed. There was a crack in my closet that made it so I could see outside. Two minutes later, the door broke and fell to the floor with a massive thud. Covering my mouth to quiet my breathing. I watch in horror as my dad stalked around the room.

"Come out, Sonic~"

A whimper was stuck in my throat, making me gulp quietly. When he was done checking everywhere in the room, his eyes landed on the closet, smirking while slowly walking to it.

"Are you in the closet Sonic~? Hmm~" He walked closer, closer, closer...

When he was right in front of it, I slid the doors open quickly, booking it through the doorway. I ran downstairs, tripping, my ankle hurt like hell! I knew I couldn't give though, quickly getting up. I made it to the front door. Throwing it open, running as fast as my legs could carry me. I could hear my father shouting at me to come back or else.

 You may think I could run fast, but ever since the beatings and lack of food, my speed was never the same. I was much slower than before, I ran into the woods nearby our house, hoping to lose him if he came after me.

I was probably a mile away before collapsing on the muddy floor. My legs were painfully tired. My right one especially. I crawled to a tree, leaning against it, seeing that my ankle was twisted, must've been when I tripped down the stairs. 

I pant, seeing that the moon was already above me. Huh, midnight then I'm guessing. 

The tiredness was getting to me, and I tried to keep my eyes open, in fear that something could get me. 

To no avail though, my eyes gave out and I fell asleep.

I jolt awake, though quickly laying back down feeling the pain in my ankle. My back was met with a soft mattress, making me sigh in comfort.


Instincts got the best of me, I jumped out of the bed and landed hard against the floor. The pain in my ankle intensified. 

"Well, it seems you're awake," A voice says, making me turn my head so fast, I'm surprised it didn't snap. My eyes landed on-

"Shadow!?" He was holding a few bandages and some medicine.

Just now I realized, the color schemes were red and black. Same with the bed.

"Well, yeah, you are in my room, " He replied, making his way towards me. I was expecting a punch or slap, but instead, he carried me - NOT TO MENTION BRIDAL STYLE - to his bed! He laid me back down, taking my ankle into his hand gently, and unwrapping the bandage on the ankle. The bandage was covered in blood, maybe a cut or a bone popped out. I whimper, for he had my only weakness in his hand.

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