Chapter 14: Awkward...

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Sonic Pov

I lied, I lied to my school bully, should I be relieved or not? I had told him that a bunch of gang members jumped me and I couldn't get away, so they jumped me. I had run off into the forest to escape and possibly try to lose them. When I finished, he didn't look like he believed me, but he did. 

Scourge came to pick me up, then gave me an earful, and made me promise to never go out at night again. Little did he know my fingers were crossed. The only thing that sucks right now that seems to be cool is that I have to stay home for two weeks. Not only that but Shadow is going to take care of me, every day when school is over. He'll bring me my assignments and until someone comes back from school he'll be my... babysitter. I mean, we could be friends... right?

Right now, he is here. While I'm in bed with boxers on, with him on my bed. No were not doing anything!

"Alright, so what your going to do is add the two main numbers and divide by the number you got from the variable." I followed his instructions, writing it down. "You're done." He says, collapsing onto my bed. I sigh in relief tossing the notebook and worksheet on the floor. 

"So, what happened at school today?" I asked since there was really nothing else to talk about.

"You know everyday things, but Mephiles was acting weird and was mostly around with your grey hedgehog. He seemed... I don't know... Happy?" Shadow responded, shrugging his shoulders before getting up. He gathered my papers, including the one on the floor, and placed them into a folder, which then he placed in his backpack. 

"How has your 'girl' doing, fuckboy?" He glared.

"Sleeping around, " He replied, causing me to snicker.

"With you or someone else?"

He gave me a look telling me to shut up, I whimpered shutting my mouth.  He smirked giving me a weak, making me blush.

"Anyways, what should we do? I mean there are a few hours before your friends come back." He says. I hum in thought, what could we do? My mind quickly switched over to us kissing making me go beet red. "Hey, you okay, dork?"

I shift my gaze towards him, "Yeah! Why wouldn't I?"

"Your face is red, " He points out, making me blush ten times more. "Do ya have a fever or something?"

"N-No! I'm perfectly fine!" I turn my body to face away from him because my mind is being very perverted right now. Why must this happen now?! Especially in front of him!? 

A hand grabbed my face and quickly turned me.

"Stop, lying. It only makes you look like a joke, " He says, making me whimper at him calling me a joke. "I-It's nothing! Just stop! Trust me!" I shout at him, tearing my face out of his hand. He growled, before sighing. 

"Fine, just what do you want to do?"

"...Well, I'm not sure. What do you want to do?"

"No no no no no, what do you want to do?"

"I insist you are the guest, what do you want to do?"

"But you are bed-ridden and it would be rude of me no to ask what you want to do?" A tick mark was almost visible on his head.

"A host is supposed to ask the questions to their guest, I insist."

"But a grandma who is injured needs help."

I place a hand over my where my heart is, seemingly offended, "A grandson-" A hand suddenly wrapped itself around my mouth. He sent me a warning glare as he retreated his hand. I pout at him, crossing my arms, staring at him dead in the eye. We sat there, staring at each other. "Monopoly then, " I say, "It's in the cabinet underneath the TV."

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