Chapter 3: Ah Shit Here We Go!!

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I got you fam (☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞
Sonic POV

"Remember guys, no intimidating my bullies alright? Especially you Scourge." He just responded by grumbling.

We decided to change our regular clothes to a different set. So, this is what we were wearing.

A basic T-shirt with a black leather jacket with a very detailed skull on the back. He wore black ripped jeans, with his normal shoes. Finally, his red shades sitting at his head.

A grey beanie on his head. Jean shorts with black leggings underneath. He wore a grey jacket, that looked a little baggy, but made him look cuter. He also had grey Uggs on. Geez, he looked like an anime girl.

A black shirt that said 'I'm not lazy, I'm just buffering, ' with a red jacket over it. Grey shorts and white Air Forces. Pretty casual yet nerdy or geeky.

A red flannel, with blue jeans. Fingerless gloves and red sneakers. Not much, but I liked it.

Well anyway, here we were. School... Yeah...

"Well enough waiting here! Let's go in!" Silver exclaimed.

"We all got our schedules, right?" Gadget asked.

"Yep. Sonic you're going to have to show us around!" Silver said.


I heard footsteps coming towards us. We all turned around. "Well, hello Sonic--" Shadow got cut off.

"Leave!" Silver exclaimed. "He doesn't want you here, you bullies!" Scourge immediately was about to leap at him, but Silver caught him with his telekinesis. "What did we talk about Scourge?"

"No beating up, pranking, getting revenge on, and intimidating Sonic's bullies."

"And what did you do?"

"I tried beating up Sonic's bullies."

"Yup, and--"

"Wait are you the blue shit's friends?" Fleetway asked.

Scourge growled. "First, he ain't shit. Look in a damn mirror, you damn floating lightbulb."

"What you say to me, you oversized piece of weed?!" The glowing hedgehog got in Scourge's face.

"I called you a floating light bulb, you deaf fuck!"

"Why don't you fight me?! Huh?! Ya piece of grass!"

"How many brain cells did it take you to make that one name?! You--" A metal hand clamped itself around Scourge's mouth dragging him back, while he still tried to hurdle insults at Fleetway.

"I'm sorry about my friend, but please leave us alone. And yes we are his friends."

Scourge still struggled in Gadget's invention. Gadget said something to Scourge that made him be quiet and stop. His expression turned serious and he crossed his arms. "Let's go. They're wasting our time."

We nodded and started following Scourge. To my surprise, none of them followed us, but I was still scared.

Even with my friends here...

~At lunch~

Scourge slammed his tray on the table making us all jump and look at him. He had his face down so we couldn't see him. Silver stopped drinking his milkshake and stuttered out. "Scourge, you okay?"

He stayed silent for a minute then asked, "What do you do if it's your first day and some guy kissed you already?" 

"W-Well who was this 'guy'?" Gadget asked.

"The one and only dick, Fleetway..." There was silence...

"WHAT?!" We all shouted unison. In the corner of my eye, I could see Fleetway smirking over at us. Scourge flipped him off making Fleetway shout. "I don't think it's time for that babe! I mean... We just met!" Making Scourge turn a shade of red.

Well, this is interesting...

Most students were now looking between them. Back at Fleet. Then at Scourge. Next thing you know people are whispering back and forth. Scourge groaned face planting into his tray of food.

~3rd POV~

Fleetway frowned yes he had kissed him because... He knew this was pretty cliché in movies or books... But he fell in love at first sight. He growled seeing his lovely green(idk what else to call him :/) uncomfortable from all these möbians.

"Hey! Why don't you all shut it?! You're making him uncomfortable!" He shouted.

"Calm down Fleet! They're just a bunch of newcomers." Shadow stated he didn't like it that one of his friends already took a liking to one of them. This is going to change everything now...

"Yeah sure they are, but the green one is a cutie~ He seems like a toughie but he's a HUGE softy," Fleet said daydreaming.

"That's what she said." Infinite snickered.

Mephiles shook his head at his friend's immaturity. He looked at the silver hedgehog. Something about him was... Interesting... And cute. He shook his head clearing his head. He wanted to know more about the grey one. He'll talk to him later on. Wait, but he might now want to talk me, he thought. I am one of the 'bullies.' Maybe I can gain his trust...

I have football practice too... Hmm...
I need a plan, he thought. But I'm already dating someone too. He sighed.

Infinite snickered making another humorous comment at Fleetway while taking a bite out of his burger.

"Hey our big boys~," A seductive voice said. The four of them looked up seeing their partners. A brown rabbit went up to Fleetway and kissed his cheek, her eyes were half-lidded. Scourge watched from their table, he was at the bridge of tears. Of course, he thought. He's a fuckboy... He just plays with other's feelings. Wait-- I can't have these feelings for him now! He just kissed me! It doesn't mean anything!

He growled at Fleetway, him seeing and about to run up to him. Scourge just turned around faking smiles and laughing.

The rabbit just kissed Fleetway again and made a dirty comment. Fleetway just stared at the green hedgehog.

You see there are four girlfriends, each one of them dates one of the four boys. The four girls are:

Sam the Rabbit --> Fleetway

Gianna the Hedgehog --> Mephiles

Nicki the Badger --> Infinite

Abigail the Slut-- I mean- Fox --> Shadow

The four girls were known as the 'Pretty Girls'. They got whatever they wanted, never had any problems. The rabbit once again kissed Fleetway, but this time of the lips.

Today was probably one of the worst but fun days at school...

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