Chapter 7: Huh?

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Silver Pov

"So, w-wait- you're our friend now?" Sonic asks. Mephiles sheepishly rubs his neck.

"Yeah, I am. You see, I regret seeing you get hurt by my... 'friends.' But now, I'll help and protect you no matter what!" I smile, Mephiles means it. I hug him, "I'm so glad you came to us once you realized, Mephiles." I heard a growl, next thing you know Scourge pulls us apart.

"No funny business too, dickwad."


"I'm just looking out for you Silv."

"Oh but Fleetway is different?"

"He's an asshole that plays around with people's hearts," He growls, "You know how he kissed that girl right after me."

"Wait, Fleetway kissed you?" Mephiles asks.

"Y-Yeah, but then he kissed his little girlfriend." Mephiles looked at Scourge sympathetically. "Anyways, he's been trying to get with me, but eh, he's failed many times," Scourge shrugged.

~After school~

Scourge Pov

I hummed softly, making my way to basketball tryouts. Yes, I joined the basketball tryouts, 'cause I need to get active. Silver already joined volleyball, Gadget is in the computer club, and Sonic is in cross country. 

I make my way into the locker room, open my locker, and slip on the shorts. I was about to take off my shirt, until-

"Damn, those shorts don't hide the shape of your ass," A voice said, surprised.

"When will you leave me alone, lightbulb?" I groan, already done with his bullcrap. "Never," He purred. I turn to him, "Anyway, what're you doing here?"

"Football tryouts." He answers simply. "Let me guess, your girlfriend's in cheerleading," I ask. He nods, "Yeah, all four of them actually."

"Bet you would look good in the skirt." He smirked. 

"You have a girlfriend stop hitting on me, " I growl. He frowns and takes my hand. I was about to rip it away until he placed a gentle kiss on my palm, making me blush. I slap him, a laugh releasing from his mouth. "Why can't you stop!?" I growl, "I told you once- and I'll say it again- I'M NOT GAY OR BI!"

"Keep telling yourself, sweetheart."He laughs, grabbing my chin and kisses me. Tears pricked at my eyes and I let out a whimper. He stops kissing me and looks at me with worry. "W-Why do you do this? Why do you keep playing with me? Why can't you stop?" I ask as I pull away from him to wipe my tears, "It hurts..." Without another word, I slip on the shirt on quickly, putting back my original clothes back in the locker and walk away from the locker room.

Fleetway Pov

I made him cry.

I made the person I like... cry.

Why do I keep doing this? 

Sam, I knew, cheated on me. Break up with her? Eh, I'll do it tomorrow after the date. All I want and need is Scourge. He's such a cutie, and the way he plays hard to get is a turn on. Under all that toughness and sarcasticness is a sweet, talented boy. 

I can't believe I made him cry. I'm such a douche...

When on the field, coach asked me where I was I told him I went to the restroom.

"Ayo! Fleet!" Infinite called me over. "What took you so long?" He whines.


Gadget Pov

"Sonic did this happen to you after we left?" I ask. He nods.


"W-Well, a week after it started. The bullying."

"Why and how did it start?" He tensed up, pinning his ears to his head. "W-Well, a rumor went out that said I was... erm... gay."

I raise a brow, "And were they true?" He hesitantly answers with a 'yes.' I pat his head, giving him a warm smile. "Don't worry I won't judge. I'm bisexual."


My Christmas present to you ^w^


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