Chapter 8: What the...

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Sonic Pov

Whimpering, standing and looking at myself in the mirror. A milk carton slips from my head making me flinch. A bruise forming on my eye. Some sophomores ambushed me when there was no one around. I pick up my backpack that was thrown in the corner. 

Another whimper leaves my mouth as I start limping to the restroom door. I told Scourge that I would be getting home late 'cause of Track. It probably already ended though. Ahh... I don't want to go anymore.

As I limp out of the restroom, I accidentally bump into someone. I was about to apologize to whoever, before sobbing.

"I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean to!" A hand roughly grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at whoever. My eyes widen.

"Sh-Shadow-" He gave me a stern look telling me to shut up. I did not want to get two beatings.

"Who did this to you?"

I knew this would probably be my death wish but, "Why do you care?"

3rd Person Pov

"Why do you care?"

Shadow surprised himself too. Why? He did not know. He didn't understand why he picked on the hedgehog. He had this feeling inside him when he had seen him. What it was? He didn't know the answer. The ebony didn't pay attention to him the first time he came here. A few weeks ago, he bullied him. For what? The answer is non-existent.

Shadow sighs, "Just come, I'll drop you off at your house." Sonic seemed surprised, and was about to protest with fear, but didn't when he got another look from the striped.

They went out to the parking lot, where it was almost empty. Sonic was trembling a little, thinking that this was a trap. Like the one time, he trusted Infinite and followed him into an alley where the other three were waiting for him. The ending, well, let's just say he hadn't been able to move for a few days. 

A whimper escaped his lips as he entered the car. Shadow threw him a towel, "Clean your self up with that." Sonic silently thanked him, trying to wipe off some of the milk. Though, his fur had begun to get sticky. He combed through his spikes trying to get the stickiness somewhat off.

They began to pull out of the parking lot. It was an awkward silence. The only time they talked was when Sonic gave directions on where to go. Sometimes, it was just Shadow who talked and Sonic stayed quiet, listening. 

Sonic was excited on the inside, I mean, he was in the car with his crush! Who wouldn't be excited in a car with your crush?

When they pulled up to the house, Shadow went wide-eyed. 

"Scourge bought it, " Sonic chuckled, nervously. Shadow wanted to ask how but he refrained. 

Sonic opens the car door and steps out. 

"Thanks. Though I'm guessing this won't change a thing between us, " Sonic said. Shadow nodded his head.

"Nope, just take it as a 'thank you for letting me kick your ass.'" He said that almost as if he were being playful.

Sonic seemed to smile at that statement. 

"Whatever you say, fuckboy."

"Wait- WHAT-!"

"See you tomorrow or when you kick my ass again!" Sonic quickly ran into the house.

When he entered, he giggled his heart seemed to be beating faster.

He just took a ride with his crush/bully!

Shadow was pissed at first but then seeing the blue hedgehog happy. It made his heart skip a beat or two. Which he was concerned about.

~The next day~

Gadget Pov

When Sonic came in like that last night, Scourge had seemed like a mother who had just seen her child for the first time in a few years. All he could hear were shouts and curses. 

Anyway, last night I was researching a particular jackal. He caught my interest. Always wearing a disguise. Heck! Not even his girlfriend knows what's under it! Though he seems to get annoyed every time she tries to take it off. Oh, but for me? I've seen it, I know I may sound like what people call a creep. I saw him without it in the locker room. I say what a hottie.

I sigh looking at his file, that I did not hack into the school for. The mismatch eyes are interesting too. Why are they mismatched? Did something happen? What about the slash? So many questions, unanswered.

The bell rang signaling for the next period. I shut my laptop and make my way to the computer class. Surprisingly, Infinite had the same class as me. I didn't know he was fond of it.

"Hello, Gadget!" Natasha greets, a friend I met. I smile and wave at her. There's no need for me to know, but I know she has a crush on me. How? The way she tries to hold my hand or follow me where ever I go. Do I care? No. Well, only if she follows me home then we have a problem.

There was only one seat, and it may sound cliche but it was next to Infinite. 

I take the seat, and not a moment later Natasha forces the student on the other side of me to move. Sighing, I ignore her and open my laptop. Hearing a snicker, fully knowing it is coming from Infinite. My ears twitch when he starts leaning in.

"Why is there a picture of me on your laptop?" Wait-

I look at the laptop and yes indeed there is the file. I forgot to exit it. Crap. Quickly, I exit out of the tab into the normal home page. Blush starts taking over my face as the teacher enters the classroom.

"Today, we will-" I block her out, looking at Infinite. He stares at me with what looks like smug expression behind his mask. He opens his laptop up and types something in it. When done, he points at mine. I look and there's an email. I open it.

From: Infinite

Subject: Aww

To: Gadget

Do you think I'm cute?

I blush but quickly type in another message.

From: Gadget

Subject: Uhh

To: Infinite


He snickers.

Sure keep telling yourself that. Why were you looking at my file anyways?

That's for me to know and you to never find out.

For the rest of the class, it was just me and Infinite emailing each other.

Natasha's face was priceless when I wasn't paying attention to her.

I think your girlfriend is getting annoyed

Ignore her and she isn't my girlfriend.

The bell rang for lunch. Logging out, putting my laptop away.

"Well, I have to go, you tormentor."

"Hey, I'm not that big of a bully."

"Sure, whatever you say."

I think I'll like this guy...


A chapter for chu~~~!

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