Chapter 9: The Fuck?

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Scourge Pov

I've been ignoring him. Why? 'Cause Sam's been staring at me and kissing Fleetway whenever I'm around or nearby. Does it hurt my feelings? Well... A little, I think I started liking him a while ago. 

Do I care? Kind of. I mean the bastard doesn't seem to mind the slut. I cry sometimes thinking about it. Ever since the locker room incident I've been avoiding him. Like if we're in the same room, I'll leave. The only reason why is 'cause he walked in on me saying that I felt like a slut. Ever since that, yeah let's just sometimes after he would come up to me and say some corny shit.

And I hate that it would make my heart flutter. 

I can also tell that he's getting annoyed, but ehh... I don't care. He has Sam anyway. Like, why not stay loyal to her? Even though she isn't herself.

Look, what Fleetway has said about me being tough on the outside. Well, he isn't lying. I'm a huge softie if you get to know me. Like the three knows. Mephiles doesn't really, but he experienced it once.

But let's not think about that.

I sigh, irritatedly tapping my pencil against the desk. This problem was a pain. I had no idea how to solve it. Math wasn't ever my thing anyway. Oh Gadget, where are you when I need you? Deciding to give up on the problem, I pull out my phone, going onto the group chat. 

From Scourge:
Anybody on?

From: Silver
Me, I'm bored

From: SIlver
They're giving a presentation about a field that's happening, it's for freshman and junior.

From: Scourge
When is it?

From: Silver
In like a month or something

From: Silver
Idk, they said in a month or maybe 2 weeks from now

From: Scourge
Oh okay then thanks for the info, I gtg

From: Silver
Okis bye bye!

I chuckle putting my phone away. Man, Silver in a way is cute. I wouldn't be surprised if hella people had a crush on him. Though, of course, I would have to be protective. Ain't no one messin' with Silver or any of us. I'll kick their ass if they were to even touch a hair on 'em.

A slam on my desk brought me up from my thoughts. Looking and exasperatedly sighing. I pretend he isn't there, by continuing the problem and lose more brain cells. He walked away, while I about to give a sigh of relief but then warm lips plant themselves on mine. 

Is he toying with me again?

I felt tears brim my eyes, letting out a whimper. He stops and looks at me, before going all concerned. He hugs me, while I just sit there.

"I'm sorry."

Laughing lightly I push him away. Wiping away the tears.

"You do know how to play with me and make me feel like shit, don't ya?"

Sniffling quietly, I finally look at him.

"Yes, Fleetway?"

"I-I wanted to apologize."

At that, the whole room turned at us, making me groan and slam my head on the desk. Fleetway had seemed to growl at them, which made them quickly look away. Though, I knew they were listening. Frickin' nosy asses.

Lifting my head, I look at Fleetway, preparing myself to lose brain cells and maybe possibly even cry. What a life, y' know?

He didn't say anything for a good moment. I was about to say something before he cut me off.

"I'm sorry for leading you on. For making you uncomfortable and making you feel like I'm toying with you. That also making you feel bad about yourself. Also, I'm sorry about the incident in the locker room. I felt horrible doing that to you. That and also I'm sorry about kissing Sam after I kissed you, making you feel like a slut yourself. And also making yourself feel like trash."

I stare shock at him. Grabbing his wrist, I pull him closer to me, "Who are you? And what did you do to Fleetway?"

He chuckles, smirking. "I take it that you accept my apology?"

I hum in response. He smiles cheekily.

"Do I get a kiss?" He asks jokingly.

Without him knowing, I kiss his cheek before pulling away, my muzzle taking on different shades of red. He stood there shocked, and people were turning to look at what the problem was.

The bell rang, I packed my stuff up and looked at Fleetway.

"Better get to class, lightbulb." With that, I shot him a peace sign leaving the class.

Sonic Pov

Shadow's been a little... different. Like being nice to me at rare times. He still picks on me, but it isn't that bad anymore. Sure, other people still bully me and beat the living crap out of me still, but the pick on's aren't like that anymore. Back then, when he said 'pick on' it would mean a beating. 

Speaking of beating, I wonder how my dad is. Even he's been an asshole. I should maybe visit him. It's been a week now.

Just then, food tray lands on my head. I scrunch my nose in disgust as I feel a noodle slide down the side of my face. I sigh, letting the food fall off me. Well, that is until another food tray hit the guy. I look up.

"Oops~ My hand slipped!" Scourge said sarcastically. He then threw a milk carton with so much force you could hear it hit the guy. 

"Clumsy me~! I'm so sorry!" Sometimes I love Scourge.

The guy fell back.

That's gonna leave a mark...

Silver sat next to me and started to clap while giggling. I smile too, laughing a bit. 

"Where's Gadget-"

"BOO!" I yelp practically jumping out of my seat. A familiar laugh caught my attention. Gadget. 
"I hate you."

"Love you too."

He takes a seat next to Scourge, pulling out his laptop. Infinite passes by, making my ears pin to my head, waving at Gadget which he waved back. "I'm guessing you and him are now friends?" I ask.

"Yep, we were talking in class about-" He stops himself trying to find the word, "-something."

Suddenly, a note is in front of Scourge. He reads it and sighs, clearly irritated but he almost seems to be... blushing? Ehh probably my eyes play tricks on me. He puts it in his pocket.

"What'd it say?" Silver asks.

"Just that the lightbulb wants to talk to me 'cause I... kissed him."

"That's cute! A-Are you guys going to date?" 

"No, I mean he's still dating Sam," At that, he lowers his ears. Poor him. Silver huffs, "He's a prick b-but I'm not saying it's not wrong to give him a chance. I mean people always do deserve chances. Don't they?"



There you gooooo~

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