Chapter 2: CRAP!!

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~When they arrived at the house~

WOAH-- Scourge afforded this place?! The damn this place is like a mansion! (Above, I'm too lazy to describe -w-) No! It... It... IT IS A MANSION! "Please, this way, your majesty." Scourge said making me glare at him. He gestured me to come, but instead of just coming to him. I ran into the mansion. "Hey! What the--"


"Don't even finish that sentence Scourge!" Was all I heard when entering the mansion. THIS. THING. IS. FRICKIN'. HUGE!! (*cough* *cough* that's what she said *cough* *cough*) The place had six bedrooms, four baths, four balconies, a little spiral staircase, and a whole lot more that I can't explain or describe! 

"Dude!" I exclaimed, "This is awesome!"

"No shit Sherlock, I'm the one who bought it." Was all Scourge replied, looking a bit too prideful, I just rolled my eyes "Sure, whatever you say. So how long have you had it?" I asked.

"About a week." Silver said, cutting off Gadget who had his mouth open. "Do you guys wanna go swimming this weekend? I heard it's gonna be hot."

"Hot as me." Scourge said, posing with a hand on his hip and one on his cheek while sticking his hip out a little. We all laughed, "No but seriously do you guys wanna go swimming?" Silver asked again.

I shrugged, but then shook my head. THEY'LL SEE THE SCARS AND BRUISES! "Why not Sonic?" Gadget asked. "'C-Cause I-I'm afraid of water! Yeah! That's it!"

"Don't worry, Blue we'll buy you some arm floaties or Silver could help ya."

"Yeah Sonic! C'mon we haven't hung out in a long time! Think of this as making it up to you for leaving."


 "Please Sonic? Please?" Silver asked dragging out the 'e' and 's'. He then gave me his best puppy eyes. Ughhh sometimes I hate Silver for making me feel bad. So yellows eyes are-- agh! So adorable! "Fine." Was all I replied. Silver broke into a fit of 'Woohoos'. He might as well sing the Dora the Explorer 'We did it' song. I sighed smiling, happy that I made my friend happy. (Uhhhhh...) 

"Soooo, now what?" Scourge asked. 

"WE SHOULD GO SHOPPING FOR YOU SONIC! I'LL BUY YOU AS MANY OUTFITS YOU WANT!" Silver shouts. "Wait! But that's going to expensive!" Gadget cut in.

 "Well, Scourge did gamble to buy the house sooooo, Scourge go gamble for the meantime! You're good at cheating and playing the games! Now goooooo!"

"Wait-- Why me?! I'm being hunted down by Mobians! It's dangerous!"

"Too bad! You gambled and now you're doing it again like thousands of times before!" Scourge gave an annoyed sigh and said he'd be back in a few. So, while he does that we'll be playing pool in the game room. Sometimes, Silver could be a lot like Rouge.

~Time skip brought you by uh... the Forbidden Nothing...? ;-;~

A slam of a door caught our attention. Scourge must be back. We went to the living room to see Scourge panting in his hand two stacks of hundred dollar bills. "What the-- Scourge! This is so much! And why are you panting?" I asked. He looked at me dead in the eye. "Nothing just I'm Cinderella trying to escape the ball when the clock struck 12. What do ya think?!"

"You ran away from a bunch of gamblers who were trying to get their money back?"

"DING DING DING! We have a winner!"

"Oh shush Scourge." Silver came up and took the money. "Come on Sonic! We're going shopping! To the mall my fellow companions!"

~Another Time Skip cuz the author doesn't know what else to write so just the author did a time skip~

We entered the mall and immediately Silver grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a clothing store. To be honest, it's been a while since I've been to the mall. The last time I came here was... when my mom was here. I remember once we came with Scourge, Silver, and Gadget. We were around like... 13? Yeah, around 13, so that was 4 years ago. I'm 17 now. Well, anyway, this one time we came with everyone and Scourge ended up wandering off. Do you know where we found him? At Victoria's Secret, and boy was that embarrassing. He kept looking at the women in the posters. Yeah, he was one of those kids.

"Here we are!" Silver's voice broke me out of my thoughts. The store we stopped in front of was Forever 21. Before we could step in, I froze in my steps. There in the men section was them.

"Crap!" I cursed.

"What's wrong Sonic?" Silver asked I looked at him his eyes were full of confusion and concern. "We're just going shopping. Come on!" He dragged me into the men section. FUCK! Oh no, oh no oh no, oh no, oh no. Was all that repeated in my head. Why me? Why not anyone else? WHY ME?! Silver dragged me into a clothing rack that was two away from them. CRAP THERE GONNA SEE ME! "I think flannels would look good on you, Sonic." I saw Shadow's ear perk up and look at our direction, but I looked down. "Red ones especially." Silver grabbed a red one and tossed it to me. "I'm going to give you clothes that you'll try on in the fitting room then--"

"Hey there!" My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard Shadow's voice. "I heard your name was Sonic!" I heard footsteps walk closer to us. I looked up and Shadow saw me. Silver stared at them in confusion. "His name is none of your business." Silver snapped. My eyes grew wide. I was about to say something when. "I'm his friend, so it is my business." Silver looked at me, and I stared back at him. I shook my head rapidly, but then Shadow gave me a look to say 'If you don't say yes, I'm going to punch repeatedly until you die'. So, I nodded. Silver looked at me doubtful, before turning around and apologizing.

"Would you guys like to shop with us?" Silver asked. "We'd appreciate the help!" I almost choked on my saliva. Freaking Silver!

"Ehh... No thanks. We have some shopping to finish." Fleetway replied. Silver just nodded. When they were out of sight, I said to Silver, "T-They're not my f-friends." He looked at me confused once again. "What do you mean? Who are they?"

"T-They're the b-bullies." I stuttered out. Silver seemed mad at first but calmed down. He nodded and we continued shopping.

~What it said in the last Time Skip~

I had a total of 5 outfits when we finished. I'm going to number them so I could remember. #1. was a red flannel with blue ripped jeans. #2. It was a plain t-shirt with beige pants, the shoes were white Air Forces. #3. It is another flannel but green with a black shirt on it was a cute skull outlined with white. #4. It was kind of like a hoodie but it's up to my elbow, then I got to wear a t-shirt os something underneath. 5#. was a basic black Van's long-sleeved shirt with black ripped jeans, and Van's.

Tomorrow is when I go back to school with my friends...

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