Chapter 2 - Uhh, theres a hole in my pants

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My favorite part of the day was when the principle caught me running in the halls.

"What are you doing? Fig, we've talked about this, if you need to get somehere, just walk."

"Sorry Mr. Patterson, my back was hurting again, and I really need to fix my brace," I said, forcing a smile. Pain prickled  in my back and spine.

"Well, it certainly doesn't call for you to run, but go and fix your brace." he smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "Oh, and Mr. Faulker" he stopped me "tell your mom happy birthday, I heard it was just last week"

"I'll will" I mumbled. For her birthday she said she was having a "grown up party". So I was sent to my neighbors to play with their snotty little 10 year old. I've vowed never to say happy birthday to her again until she apologized for kicking me out of the house.

Once I was out of sight, I started running again. I needed to get to the bathroom before my harness broke. There was no way I could walk the halls without it.

I swung open the bathroom and went straight to the handicapped stall. As soon and the door was locked, I took my shirt off and unfastened the clasps.

The pain in my back lingered, but the pressure was gone. My wings stretched to their full length, the feathers speckled with different shades of brown, blacks and grays.

I froze, my heart stopping, as the entrance to the bathroom opened.

"My Mimi says I can come over this Friday, but I can't sleep over night" a voice pouted. A girls voice pouted.

Frick, I was in the wrong bathroom.

"Aww, that's too bad. We'll have to go to the pool or something instead." The girls footsteps echoed off the walls. I heard the stall next to me open and then close, and then a knock on mine.

Holy frick I'm screwed.

"Anyone in there?" The pouty girl called

I didn't answer, hoping she would think the bathroom was out of order and locked.

"I see your feet, you can't lie to me" she laughed "hurry up, I really need to go"

Holy frick I'm double screwed.

It was now that I was happy for my slightly higher voice. With the most courage I could muster, I responded. "Sorry, I'll be a minute. There's a uh, a hole in my pants and I'm waiting for the teacher to get me a new pair from the office"

It was then the toilet next to me flushed. I waited in the bathroom, silent, until both he girls left.

I sat on the toilet seat, stretching out my wings, knowing they'd be cramped the rest of the day. After that I'd be free of this brace until school started again.

How was I going to live like this?

Already, at the age 13, I knew I was screwed for life.

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