Chapter 8 - The book with no words

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As soon as I set foot in the hall, I was met with the loud, cacophonous noise of children. All of us first years lined up near the front of the room where an open area was set aside. In the space, a huge book stood on a stool, a quill and ink sat next to it.

A man, whom I assumed was Headmaster Elloweer, gave a speech. It was short and simple, as he could tell we were all very anxious. He introduced and welcomed us, and then handed the time over to a frail old man who sat next to him.

The old man stood up slowly, a staff in his hand to aid his walking. His hair was white an thinning, but large deer antlers spouted from the sides of his head. He looked over the room and then spoke. "My dear children, today is the start of a new school year. Such a beautiful and exciting destiny awaits for each of you, and I hope that you will use your time here wisely." He paused and coughed. "Before I get rambling, though, I would like to have each of the first years, one by one, come and sign their name, and be sorted into their houses." He beckoned us forward and we all looked around nervously, wondering which student he wanted to come forward. Finally, one kid stepped up and walked toward the man.

"Just sign your full name, and close the book," the old wizard spoke. The kid did as he was told, and as soon as the book closed, it opened again. "Ah, yes, a Pterolykus, over to the table in red," the man directed "Who's next? Don't be shy."

We all slowly were sorted, me being about halfway through us batch of children. When I got up to the book though, it was completely blank. No names of any students were written. I picked up the quill regardless and dipped it in the ink. I tried as best I could to write my name, but writing with a quill was harder than it looked. As soon as I took my hand off the paper my name dissapeared. I closed the book as I was told, and once again, as it had for every student, it flew back open. This time though, it had something else written on the page.

The Guardian

I stared at the page a moment in confusion. Wasn't this the house of the brave? How on earth did I get sorted into here?

"Fig Faulker, the house of The Gaurdian," he yelled. "The table with blue and gold." The wizard pointed, and I swallowed my doubt and walked towards the cheering table.

I watched as Basil was sorted into The Fox. I found it quite amusing that she, a Kitsune, was placed in the house of her freak side. The African American boy was put in The Unicorn, as well as the Scottish girl Hero. Allen was with me.

When all was done, the headmaster explained that on the first night the students are in their dorms with the rest of their house, and that's just what we did. It was a bit more chaotic than I'd expected, though.

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