Chapter 11 - Hideout

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As October approached, the threats towards Allen only grew. To add to my anxiety the headmaster had addressed the school about peculiar activity going on in the grounds. Apparently some chickens and other meat animals had been found headless around the school courtyards. The teachers said we couldn't go outside without a buddy, worried for the safety of the students.

The headmaster said it was most likely one of the creatures from he surrounding forest, as they'd had problems like this in the past. Though they hadn't found out what kind of animal it was yet, they made it clear they were searching the woods for it.

Other than that, school was going good. My grades were ok, and the astronomy teacher had taken a liking to me. Once he found out I was friends with Allen though, he told me to be wary, that demons were known for trickery. I told him Allen was my friend and there wasn't anything to worry about, but that didn't stop him from giving looks at Allen every five minutes. His perception was biased though, as he is an "Angel". In Family History we got to search about our other half for our first project. It turns out we're almost like unicorns in a sense, very pure. Arch Angels were mostly known for wisdom concerning choices, but were scarcely ever found or seen. Few lived in the magic community.

"Fig?" A voice broke through the nights quiet hum, "you awake?" The voice was Allen, tonight we were going to our hideout in the woods. I was worried at first about the attacks but Allen reassured me that he could kill anything that came in our way.

Not sure if that's reassuring or not.

"I'm awake" I responded sitting up in bed, hugging the blankets slightly around my shoulders. As October approached, so did the cold.

"You up to it tonight? It's kinda cold, we could go tomorrow instead"

"Nah, I'm good, just give me a second to adjust" I said. After a few minutes I hopped out of bed, cursing as my feet hit he icy floor. We both got warmer clothes on and headed down to the common room windows. During the first week of school Allen had taught me how to fly... Or tried his best. I wasn't the greatest, but I could fly.

We had made going out to the hideout a weekly thing, only once had we been close to getting caught, and that was when a kid from our dorms caught us sneaking out. He promised not to tell though, and he'd been true to his word.

Allen stood a moment, letting his bony wings break through his skin. The first time i witnessed this I freaked out. His wings would break through his skin, and a little bit of blood would escape as well. After the first initial time though, I got used to it.

"Ready" he asked, I nodded yes and we jumped out the windows, letting ourselves free fall for a few moments before catching ourselves.

We glided over towards the forest, landing softly (Allen landed softly, I fell). We walked a good ten yards into the trees until we found our little camp.

Allen's POV

"So what are we gonna do tonight?" He asked

" I dunno, we could try and look for the monster that's killing all those animals. I bet I could take it with my hands behind my back!" I grinned, throwing a few punches at the air to prove my point.

"But, you just used your hands-"

"Hush child, you don't know what your talking about" I say, giving him a smirk.

"How about we just chill, I snuck some of he cookies from dinner"

"You, Fig Faulker, stole food? I don't believe it"

"It's not stealing, we are able to take food with us if we want" he shrugged, sitting down inside the blanketed fort as I lit the lanterns that hung around us.

"Hand me one of those cookies" I say, sitting down next to him.

"Sure" he said, passing me the small bag of cookies. "What do you think of the attacks?" He asked, stuffing another in his mouth.

"Eh, just some dead animals, nothing to be worried about" I answered " I mean, they'll find the culprit sooner or later. It's not like they don't have people looking for it" I reassure him

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just worried that they'll come for me because I look and awful lot like those chickens it got to earlier." He frowned, a hint of amusement behind his voice.

"You'll be fine" I laughed. I took my chance and slipped my hand into his, a warm blush spreading on my face. I went to face him, and stole a glance at his lips. "You're too cute" I laughed poking him in the ribs.

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