Chapter 17 - You're my Hero

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Figs POV

Allen jerked his hand back before I even got the words out. He gave his head a quick shake and held his hand to his heart.

"I'd rather not be your laboratory mouse for your spell practices" He winced "I like my body parts in one piece"

"Well, what else are we supposed to do? It's not like Basil's awake or anything." I reasoned. "It's past midnight, and she doesn't have astronomy class with us"

"I know somebody who's probably awake" Allen sighed " I don't know if wounding my pride is worth it though"

"Who? Nobody's gonna be awake at this hour unless they're crazy-"

"Hero stays up super late at night sometimes studying in the library. The girls got something funny in her head I tell you" Allen rolled his eyes. "She could run and get Basil..."

"Ok, then it's settled" I said, taking ahold of his sleeve "we aren't supposed to be out after curfew so let's my this quick."

"My over inflated ego though-"

"It'll heal."

Allen pouted but didn't resist when I pulled him from the boys restroom. We ran down flights of stone stairs until we reached the second floor of the massive school. The doors around us chattering among themselves as we passed by, most complaining about how they were trying to sleep, and that their wood needed rest from getting tugged, pulled and slammed all day long.

I didn't pay too much attention to their bickering, but Allen on the other hand made comments that were a bit too over the top.

"You're gonna get yourself in trouble if you keep insulting the doors" I said, pulling him along.

"They're just a bunch of dead wood, what's the worst that can happen?"

"That 'dead wood' is what lets you into class everyday, you gotta treat the trees with respect"

"I'm not apologizing to an overgrown stick"

"Allen!" I scolded him, swatting him on the arm. I sighed and turned down another hall. The second door on the right held two large iron doors, I turned the knob.

Almost on cue, Hero bumped into us as soon as the doors opened. She stumbled a bit, grasping at a few papers that fell from her hands.

" A bit of a warning next time Faulker, I prefer my papers not to be crushed by doors" She bent down to pick up a few that had missed her hand. "What are you guys doing at the library so late at night anyway?"

"We need to find Basil, and your always holed up in this cobweb, so we went looking for you " Allen said, clearly aggravated of being in his rivals presence.

"Why do you need to find-" Hero looked down at Allen's hands, still wrapped in my sweatshirt. The blackish blood had soaked through parts of the cloth, making it look like a bad attempt at tie dye.

"Holy frick dude, what happened" She gasped, papers fluttering to the ground and she reached to take a look.

"Got pissed at a teacher" I said, "It's a long story"

"Are these from you?" She asked Allen, clearly concerned.

"Yeah, why?" He shrugged.

" Have you ever injured yourself before, like with your own hands?"

"No, I don't grow talons everyday. I have self control you walnut"

"Allen this is serious, wounds from demons don't heal naturally, they keep bleeding unless magically healed. I don't know any spells that can reverse that kind of stuff though."

"Slow down. What are you talking about?" I asked, glancing that the rapidly spreading blood.

"Injuries caused by demons, such as bites, claws, or such don't heal naturally. They have some sort of magical ability that makes it so the wound doesn't close. There are a few kinds creatures that have that kind of sorcery, such as demons. I don't know to fix it."

Allen scrunched up his face, "That sucks"

"No dip Sherlock" Hero said "We have to take you to the nurse right away"

"No. I am not going to the nurse. The last thing I need is teachers getting involved with this."

"Allen," Hero said, "This isn't a game you idiot. You'll keep bleeding until you die. If you were full demon, I suspect you wouldn't, as you would resist your own magic. Your half mortal though. You are susceptible to your own powers. You will die if we don't get you to the hospital wing."

Allen's face paled slightly, his confidence seeming to waver. "Yeah, ok I guess."

Hero nodded and led us towards the medical wing.


"Of all cases! Demonic magic is one thing I would never have expected to encounter in my medical career!" Mrs. Schumacher grumbled "I came to this school to get away from the crazy..."

Allen laid in a white cot, hands wrapped in white towels while Mrs. Schumacher ran around the room pulling different bottles and jars off of shelves as she went. Halfway through opening a lid she paused.

"Wait a moment-" She gasped "No. No that couldn't be..." She glanced at Allen, and looked back at the jar she held. She capped the lid and ran across the room towards another students cot. Beside she sleeping kids bed was a table with a small bottle. She snatched the capsule from the desk and rushed over towards us.

"Rub this on your wounds, it's a bit sticky but it will stop the bleeding for now. I need to go talk with someone for a moment." She hurried out of the room, leaving us in a confused silence.

Hero took immediate charge and started to dress his wounds. Allen's face had lost quite a bit of color by now. He sat up, sweat beads on his forehead slipping down his face.

I stared at the kid across the room. It was the same boy who had been attacked from a while back. The cuts across his face and chest were still open.


I looked back at Allen, the wounds on his hand, and then back to the boy.

That boy was the same kid who confronted us when school started.

The same boy who threatened Allen.

Oh frick.

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