Chapter 19- No Answers

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Allen's POV

When my eyes opened, the faint light of the sun was spilling through the curtains and onto the stone floor. The light wasn't enough for me to discern the details of the room around me, but I could make out the general shapes of my surroundings.

There was another occupied bed across the room, and another next to mine. Compared to the twenty or so beds the room held, the place was empty.

No adult was in the room, but I could hear their hushed voices from the other side of the door. Their shadows danced in the thin crack under the door.

Great. The adults probably thought I had no self control over my anger.

I shifted, and threw my covers off of me. The cold sweat that had settled on my skin while I slept was making me uncomfortable.

Turning to my side, I got a closer look at the occupied bed across from my own. The figure had a small frame and tousled hair that covered their eyes. Curled up in a ball, and blankets tugged tightly around them, I couldn't make out who it was.

I tried to get out of bed to see who was next to me, but my drooping eyelids said other wise.

Before my mind fell back to slumber, a hushed voice said my name.

"Allen, you awake?" The voice repeated.

I groaned and forced my eyes open the slightest bit. The owner of the words came from the bed across from me.

"Who?" The sleep in my voice made the words barely audible. Despite my best efforts, my eyelids fought to stay closed.

"It's Fig. I stayed in the hospital wing to keep an eye on you. You've only been asleep for a few hours. I woke up when you started moving around."

"Are you that light of a sleeper?" I mumbled, a small laugh escaped my lips.

"Not usually... tonight's been hectic, and I'm a bit anxious to be honest."

"How come?" I asked. Again I tried to open my eyes, but my own will was beat by my lack of sleep and blood loss.

"I... I've just been worried about you"

"Aww, isn't that cute." I laughed. This time my eyes opened.

Fig was sitting on his cot with a pillow wrapped snugly in his arms. His eyes peeked over the top.

"Oh whatever-" he dipped his head behind the pillow, hiding his face from mine. His wings shifted behind him, and he squeezed the pillow tighter.

"Allen-" his voice broke.

"Hey, what's going on?" I sat up, my head pounding.

"I don't know what to-" He wiped his eyes, wings curling around his arms. "They're gonna take you away. I've heard them."

"What are you talking about Fig?" I asked. My heart started beating. What was he talking about? Was this about me snapping at the teacher?

"The teachers are outside discussing your situation, and a lot of them want you out of here." Fig said. More tears started rolling down his cheeks, and he let out a few quiet sobs.

"Fig, what's going on? Why am I in trouble?"

He sat there silently, and wiped his eyes.

"Fig, what's wrong?"

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