Chapter Three

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"I LOVE BEING ON UNI BREAK!" I scream into the wind as mum and I drive out to my brother's house.

"Would you please sit down like a regular person," mum says exasperated but I could hear the hint of a laugh behind her words. I manoeuvre myself so my head is no longer sticking out of the window and turn to mum.

"So, how's good ole Jessie been anyway?" I question as I see we're not far from his place.

"He's been alright, although I have no idea what today is about. He just said that it was vital that we were both there. I tried to get some more answers out of him but he was very vague. A mystery to me that boy is," she responds pulling onto his street.

Jessie is 23 years old and honestly has his shit together. He works full-time, has been with the same girl for 4 years and they have been living together for two of those years. Sometimes I wonder how he manages to stay so calm through everything life throws at him. I think he has the ability to turn anything and everything into gold. Mental note, ask Jessie where he learnt these skills from and can he please share them with me.

We don't even make it to the door before it's pushed open and Jessie is rushing out. "Hey guys. Thanks for coming on such short notice." He gives mum a hug then comes over to me. "Hey little sis, is Uni life treating you well?"

"Yeah it's alright. Passing everything thankfully but you know, I've forgotten everything I've learnt so..." I trail off and Jessie cracks a smile.

"Ah, glad to see adult life hasn't changed you," he laughs as he walks back into his house.

Everything looks so lovely and he leads us to the backyard where his girlfriend Shay is. Looking gorgeous as ever, she gives us a hug and we all catch up on what's been going on in each other's lives.

Jessie stands up and clinks a glass with a fork but hits it a bit too hard and it smashes in his hand.

"Classy as always brother," I comment, raising my glass to him and taking a sip.

He just laughs it off and continues with what he was going to say. "Mum, Ava. Shay is pregnant!" he exclaims, a smile taking over his face. Mum is out of her seat in two seconds flat hugging both Shay and Jessie and repeating how happy she is for them both. I follow in her lead and stand next to my brother.

"You're going to be a great dad," I say sincerely, smiling up at him.

"Thanks, little sis. That means a lot," he replies and I can't help but see how damn happy he is. He deserves this so much.

"But that is not all of the surprises I have for today," he says, gesturing for us all to sit back down.

"I knew it. Twins!" I laugh as I sit back in my seat.

"No not twins," he laughs and I hear Shay telling mum that she has no idea what this surprise is.

"As you all know, Shay and I have been together for four years now and I have never been happier. Plus, we have a baby on the way which has me both excited and scared for the future." He turns away from us and takes Shay's hands. "Shay. Everyday I'm with you I fall more in love. You have accepted me and my family without a second thought and you always seem to bring me joy, even on my darkest days. You are the one that keeps me strong through everything and I owe you so much for everything you have ever done for me. I don't know how to start repaying you. I'm not actually sure if anything I do will every be enough to repay you for everything you've done to make me the man I am today but I would like to try for the rest of our lives." He gets down on one knee and pulls out a velvet blue box from his pocket. Inside is the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen, but I know I shouldn't expect anything less from my brother. "Shay. Would you please do me the honour of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?" I can barely hear what Shay says through her tears but it is clear that no was never an option.

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