Chapter Five

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I was feeling a bit down this morning. I had to make the shameful walk back to Food for the people to pick up my bike. I tried carrying it home which would have been entertaining to watch because I went through multiple different ways of carrying it. I tried sitting on it and Flintstoning it home which was unsuccessful, then I tried holding over one shoulder because I've seen lots of guys carry things that way, I lost my balance with this and the bike ended up on my back which actually wasn't too bad but wasn't practical as I couldn't get a good grip on it so I ended up holding it in front up me and picking it up but this still had its issues because I had to put it down every ten or so steps because my arms would get tired.

Lizzy on the other hand, was in a completely different mood to me. She was pumped for today. She came over about lunch time to let me know that since I skipped on 'the one' last night, I'm going to be going on that date today. She won't tell me anything about him except for the fact that he was 'really keen' to meet me.

I trust her instincts but before I can even think about going out, there are a few things I need to deal with. Firstly, my sunburn.

"Now see, I just don't think foundation is going to be enough. The only way I'm going to be able to cover up all of this sunburn is if I want to go on this date looking like a cake face," I say, looking at my face in the mirror with my foundation in my hand. "Can't you just look up some remedies and see if there's anything decent," I pester, hoping that she'll eventually just give in and do as I say.

"Look, why don't you just put some more aloe vera on?" she says as an attempt to shut me up.

"I've had aloe vera on all day and nothing has changed! Except for the fact that my face feels disgusting now." I scrunch up my face in an effort to support my argument.

"Fine. I'll have a look and see if anything pops up if it'll shut you up," Lizzy grumbles as she opens my laptop. She seems to be quite proud of herself since nothing good appears to be coming up but then she goes onto this one site which suggest using menthol foam shaving cream.

"At this point I'm willing to try anything," I say, feeling a bit hopeless. I message mum and ask her to grab some on her way home from work.

"So, I think you should go full glam tonight," Lizzy suggests as she looks through my wardrobe.

"Won't I look a little overdressed?" I say back, not liking the path this is going down.

"Trust me, something tells me this guy is going to go all or nothing," she says as she walks out of my room and down to mum's.

"Okay seriously. You have got to tell me where you met this guy!" I cry to her, my interest growing with each minute.

"Well, okay. But you have to promise to keep an open mind," she says stepping closer and grabbing a hold of my arms. "I met him on an online poker match."

"You what? So, you haven't even met him? You have got to be kidding me!" I go to walk away but she keeps a hold of my hands.

"No Ava! You don't understand. He bet a lot of money. I mean a lot a lot. Like it was ridiculous and so I was like hey why not," she says slowly letting go of my hands.

"Well that still doesn't mean I have to go full glam though? He could just go casual," I suggest.

"Yeah well, he actually probably will expect full glam since I told him that you are the perfect match for him because you are extremely proper." She peeks at me from between her fingers, as if that's going to save her.

I tackle her to the ground and we're both screaming. "Why would you do that? I don't know the first thing about being proper and secondly, we already know I'm a terrible liar! Why would you set me up for failure?" I cry sitting on top of her now.

The Unfortunate Task of DatingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora