Chapter Eleven

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It is now the night of my date and my nerves are shooting through the roof. I'm obviously just super excited for this date, I think he could be a real winner. Lizzy had plans with Grace tonight so she left me without supervision to dress myself although I must say that I think I am making progress because I think I am looking pretty damn good.

I turn from side to side, to try and look at myself from all angles. I've decided to go more casual today, just a nice dressy black and white shirt with black jeans that I have rolled up at the ankles and a pair of white shoes. I braided my hair this morning and so now it is curly and I've just put it up into a simple pony tail.

I'm feeling good about myself and I have a feeling that this date is going to go really well.

Mum walks into my room and once again snaps a photo of me.

"Is it really necessary to have a photo of me before every date?" I question as I grab my purse and phone.

"You just don't understand. Just you wait until you become a mother," she replies as she slips her phone in her pocket.

"Yeah well at this rate I don't think I'll even have the option to become a mum."

"Well you won't with that attitude. And you definitely won't if we don't get there on time," she says as she motions towards the door.

"Okay I get it, lets go," I reply as I walk past her and head in the direction of the car. I really hope this date turns out okay. I'm not sure I will have the will power to carry on going to too many more.


I turn my phone over again to check the time. Maybe the traffic was bad. Or maybe someone hurt themselves and he was the only one there to help them. I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for being late.


I've slid down in my chair and have been occupying my time by ripping up the napkin in front of me. Maybe he got lost and doesn't know where he is or how to get here. Maybe he got stuck at the railway crossing because one of those massive cargo trains went by which takes forever. Maybe I should just message him? But I don't want to seem annoying if there really is a good reason why he is late. I'll just send him one message, that won't do any harm.

Avababy99: Hey just confirming that you are still coming tonight.

Avababy99: :)

I think the smiley face was a nice touch, it just makes me appear... nicer.


No reply and no date, great. I'm slouched over the table and I don't even care about the looks that I'm getting from the other customers. Is this me getting stood up? Why would you agree to go on a date and not turn up?

I've seen glances shot my way from Mason but he's not serving my table tonight and part of me is thankful for that. It is much easier to keep my mind off of him when he's not here talking to me.


Should I just go home? But then I am going to will need to have the conversation with mum that I just sat here for an hour even though the whole restaurant could clearly see that I had been stood up. I guess this is when you know you've hit rock bottom. When your date doesn't even show. Or maybe he did show but took one look at me and bolted in the opposite direction. I'm so glad I chose against ditching my dates because this is a really shitty feeling and I feel so sorry for anyone else who has had to go through with this.


Avababy99: I guess it's safe to say that you're not showing up which is cool but would it have killed you to send me a message? Instead I've just sat here like an idiot for over an hour, thinking that eventually you would show up.

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