Chelsea (@fourtris_obsessed)

101 16 3

Hi Shani! 

My name is Chelsea and I'm a huge fan of your writing. Every time I see an update from you I get so excited and squeal like a pig (that is not an exaggeration). The first book I read of yours was Ruffled and let me tell you that was amazing. It was different than other CEO books I've read and it had an amazing storyline. Then I heard about Piper and went to go read it. At the time only 4 or 5 chapters had been posted but it still was an amazing book and I was excited to see where it was going (and it was and still is going somewhere great). The main reason why I love your books so much is because whenever I feel more depressed than usual or go into an anxiety attack, I read your books because they help me calm down and feel human again. My dog passed away and I just needed to do something to take my mind off of it and I reread your last chapter of Piper and it helped so much. Reading your stories has become a normal part of my day and reading them made me feel like I could do something normal.

I've reread Piper 3 times now and Ruffled 4 and every time it gets better. I'm so so thankful for the stories you put out into the world and I'm very excited in what the future holds for these books and you.

A satisfied reader

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