Meeting The Class Representatives

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After a while, Narumi came in the room. "I have reported your arrival to my boss. Your arrival has been accepted but show me your Alice first," Narumi said.

"Narumi-sensei, what's an Alice?" Gon asked. "What? You mean you guys don't know what are Alices?" Narumi asked shocked. The two boys shook their heads.

"Then how did you guys get transferred into this school?" Narumi asked in a serious tone. "We were just transferred. We are pro hunters. We have no idea what are Alices. They just transferred us here saying that we have Alices," Killua said.

"Alice is like an ability. Not everyone has this. All the students here of this school have Alice. Some people have fire Alice which lets the make fire out of their hands and control the fire while some may be able to use their fart to make people faint," Narumi explained.

"Er...... So Alice is like Nen," Gon said. "Nen? What is that?" Narumi asked. "Nen is an ability to control your life energy. You can use your Nen ability to make Nen attacks and things like that," Killua said.

"Really?" Narumi asked. Gon and Killua nodded. "Alright, could you show me?" Narumi asked. "Sure," Killua said and made lighting appear between his fingers.

"Eh? Lighting? Is it like electric Alice?" Narumi asked. "We aren't like people who are born with Alice. I don't have this ability since I was born. If you are a transmuter and want electric ability like me, you would have to get used to being showered by lighting only can you achieve this ability," Killua said.

"Have you gotten used to being showered by electricity?" Narumi asked. "Well..... You can say that I have been showered by electricity since I was born," Killua said.

"W-What?" Narumi asked. "I said I have been showered by electricity since I was born," Killua repeated with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Just then, the door opened and revealed a man.

"This is Misaki. He is also a teacher here at Alice Gakuen," Narumi said. "Hello, kids. I have brought the uniforms in. Tada! Two boy's uniform!" Misaki exclaimed holding up to sets of uniforms.

"Wow! Cool! Killua! Come and take a look!" Gon exclaimed after running to Misaki. Killua slowly stood up and walked to Gon. He stopped beside Gon. Killua sighed.

"I can't believe of all people, I have to go to school," Killua said loud enough for everyone to hear. "You should be happy, Killua! I wanted to go to school for a long time! But I had no time. I was searching for my father," Gon said.

"I thought we found him," Killua said. "But he sent me here... How about you? I thought you were with Alluka!" Gon exclaimed. "Alluka and I were kidnapped by my family. Alluka was locked in the room again with all the locks and security while I was given some torture and then sent here," Killua said.

"Eh? Really?" Gon asked looking at Killua. "You kids really are something," Narumi said sweat dropping. Since it was Winter, they have to wear their Winter uniform. It was black with red checkered pants.

Gon and Killua took the uniforms, went to the boy's changing room and changed into the uniforms. After a while, they came out and went back to the room they were in before.

"Ah! You guys are back!" Narumi exclaimed. There were two students standing in front of him. "You guys look great in the uniform," Misaki complimented. The two students turned around to look at the new students.

One of the students was a female while the other was a male. "Gon, Killua. I would like you guys to meet the class representatives of class B, which is the class you guys will be in," Narumi said.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Imai Hotaru," the girl said. "Hello! My name is Tobita Yu. You can call me Iinchou. If you need any help, you can always ask me," Iinchou said.

"Thank you. My name is Gon Freecs," Gon said cheerfully. "Killua," Killua said. "You will be going to the same class as them. Gon, Killua, you guys must get along with the class," Narumi said. Gon and Killua nodded.

"I need to go to the toilet," Gon said. "Sure, go ahead. We'll wit for you here. Just walk straight down, turn left and you'll reach the toilet. Go to the boy's one though," Narumi said. "Of course! Anyway, I'll be going! Killua, do you want to come too?" Gon asked.

Killua shook his head. "Go ahead. I'll wait for you here," Killua said. "Aright!" Gon said and went out of the room. Gon took quite a long time. But after a while of waiting, he finally comes back.

"Gon, what took you so long?" Killua asked. "Opps. Gomen (Sorry), I lost my way," Gon said. Killua face palmed as the instructions were so easy to follow. How could someone actually loose their way? Then again, it is Gon who lost his way.

Life In Alice Gakuen (Hunter X Hunter and Alice Gakuen Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now