Visiting Misaki

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Someone knocked the door of class B. the class directed their attention to the door. The door opened and two boys came in. It was Killua and Gon. Killua was wrapped up in bandages here and there.

"Since they are here, let's go!" Narumi exclaimed. The two boys looked puzzled while the class stood up. "Where are we going?" Gon asked.

"We are going to the hospital to visit Misaki-sensei," Mikan said. They got in line and started making their way to the hospital. Some of the students eyed Killua closely.

Soon, they reached the hospital. Narumi guided them to Misaki's room, room 410. But since the hospital was so big, they got lost. Silence. "Narumi-sensei. Are we lost?" Mikan asked sweat dropping.

"Yes. This hospital is too big!!" Narumi exclaimed. The class sweat dropped. Natsume sighed. "This way," Natsume said and began walking with everyone else following behind him.

Soon, they find themselves standing in front of the door of room 410. "Sugoi (Wow)! How did you know, Natsume?" Kokoroyomi asked. Natsume kept silent. Ruka was worried. He knew the reason his best friend knew the hospital so well.

The students of class B entered room 410. Only Misaki was occupying it. Misaki was still unconscious. Misaki was wearing the hospital's clothes. Bandages were seen here and there like Killua. But of course, Misaki had it far worst than Killua.

"Oh. So they changed him. Good thing. His short was torn," Narumi said. "What do you mean, Narumi-sensei?" Mikan asked. The whole class diverted their attention to the teacher.

Misaki's torn clothes were folded neatly and was placed on the table beside the bed. Narumi took it and showed it to the class. "Sensei (teacher), there's nothing wrong with it except a big hole with blood," Hotaru said. Everyone sweat dropped. 'A big hole with blood is bad enough!' everyone thought in unison.

"Oops. Wrong side," Narumi and turned the shirt revealing the other side. The shirt had been torn badly. Five giant tears were seen next to one another across the shirt. There was blood on the shirt too. The class gasped.

"You mean... Those are the shape of the wound... Made on Misaki-sensei?" Mikan asked with a horrified look on her face. Narumi nodded. "Killua. You have gone too far, don't you think? When sensei (teacher) wakes up, I want you to apologize," Gon said.

Killua stayed silent. "Killua-kun, could you tell me what you did to make those damages?" Narumi asked. Killua showed his hand while looking away. He did not make his nails sharp. "Your hand?" Narumi asked. Killua nodded. Gasps were heard.

"Killua can-" Gon was cut off by Killua who covered his mouth. "What?" Narumi asked. "Oh. He didn't say anything," Killua said and released his hand.

'He obviously did,' everyone else thought in unison. Just then, Misaki began to stir. "Ah! Misaki-sensei is beginning to wake up!" Mikan exclaimed running beside the bed. Everyone else followed.

Misaki slowly opened his eyes. "Misaki-sensei!" Mikan exclaimed. The whole class was relieved as Misaki had woken up. Killua walked to the side of the bed. "Misaki-sensei... Gomen (Sorry)...." Killua said.

"It's okay," Misaki said putting his hand on Killua's head. Killua only looked down. "You had us worried there!" Narumi exclaimed. "Gomen (Sorry)! Gomen (Sorry)! Killua-kun sure is strong. Even a teacher like me couldn't take him on," Misaki said with a smile. Misaki removed his hand from Killua's head.

"How is your wounds?" Mikan asked. "I'm fine. Don't worry," Misaki said. Natsume poked Misaki's bandaged stomach. "Yyyaaaoouucchhh!!!!!" Misaki shouted with his hands up. The class sweat dropped.

"You called that 'fine'?" Hotaru asked. "Oh well," Ruka said and shrugged. "So... How long do you have to be in the hospital?" Narumi asked. "I don't know. I just woken up not long ago," Misaki said.

"Oh, yeah," Narumi said. "Gon fought Jinno-sensei. Both of them are okay because Gon knocked Jinno out with one punch. But Killua took him down injuring Misaki-sensei and himself too," Narumi said.

"Eh? Gon, you fought?" Killua asked. "Yeah," Gon nodded. "That's not fair! You didn't tell me anything about it!" Killua exclaimed. "So.... Narumi-sensei, does that mean that Killua doesn't have any technique that can finish his opponent in one strike?" Sumire asked.

"You're wrong. Killua does have techniques that can finish off his opponent in one strike. Just that they'll probably die. Like the time he ripped out Johness the Dissector's heart," Gon said. The class gasped. The class were okay with them killing as they knew they were hunters. They are just shocked that Kilua can actually take down Johness the Dissector.

"Johness the Dissector?!" Narumi exclaimed in shock. Everyone was shocked. Gon nodded. "It was during the Hunter Exams. Once, we had to go one on one against the prisoners. One person can only fight once. One of the prisoners were Johness the Dissector. Killua was the only one left that hadn't fight. As you know, Johness was famous for killing 146 people with his bear hands. Tearing their body parts to at least 50 pieces. In some cases, the victims were torn into thousands of pieces regardless of the gender," Gon said.

"Killua was warned but he still went to fight. If he had loss, our group would not only lose but he will die too. Just when Johness was threatening to tear Killua's dead body apart, Killua ran past him. Then, Johness felt cold and then noticed that his heart was gone. Killua turned around holding a heart. Soon, Johness collapsed. Killua put the heart into Johness's hand and won the match," Gon said like nothing happened.

"Serial killers are amateurs," Killua said with his hands in his pockets. The whole class including the two teachers stared in disbelief. "Gon. I think you told them too much. They won't stop staring. It's uneasy," Killua said.

"I know another technique that could knock Misaki-sensei out in an instant too but he landed a strike on me so I couldn't help but want to get back at him for what he did," Killua said. "I saw him as threat at that time after all,"

"I see, the vengeful type," Misaki said sweat dropping. "But I guess it's a good thing that Killua didn't kill you," Kokoroyomi said. Everyone looked at him.

"This boy has the same thoughts as me?" Kokoroyomi asked. "It's like he's reading my mind," Kokoroyomi said. "Wait. He is reading my mind," Kokoroyomi said again.

"Alright. Who's mind are you reading?" Sumire asked. "Gon's," Kokoroyomi said. "Why would Killua kill Misaki-sensei?" Mikan asked. "You see, Killua is kind of ruthless when it comes to-" Gon was cut off by Killua who cleared his throat.

"Oops. Gomen (Sorry), Killua," Gon said. "Never mind," Killua said. Everyone looked puzzled but ignored it. "Killua-kun, how many Alice's do you exactly have?" Misaki asked in a serious tone. Everyone diverted their attention to the said silverette. "I don't have Alice. I use Nen," Killua said.

"But still- Clones, electricity, terrifying speed and strength, knife-like hands.... Just how talented are you?" Misaki asked. Killua kept silent. "This is just the way I'm trained..." Kokoroyomi said. Everyone turned to him. He pointed to Killua. Everyone then got what he meant. Kokoroyomi was reading Killua's mind.

"Hey! Don't read my mind!" Killua exclaimed. Everyone just laughed. Soon, it was Jinno's period and so they returned to their class.

Life In Alice Gakuen (Hunter X Hunter and Alice Gakuen Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon