Hearing Illumi's Voice Again

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It was time for recess. Gon and Killua, as usual, went for recess together. They were at the canteen. "You do remember that you owe me lunch, right?" Killua asked with a grin on his face. "Hehe...." Gon said. Just then, Mikan, Iinchou, Hotaru, Sumire, Anna and Nonoko caught up to the, as usual.

"Congratulations to the both of you! Especially Killua! At first, Natsume was the only one who got a special-star. But you also got it! That means two people of our grade are special-stars!" Mikan exclaimed.

"Arigatou, Mikan! (Thanks, Mikan)!" Gon said with a grin. "Yeah... Arigatou (Thanks)," Killua said. 'How come Gon didn't get a special-star like me? Oh well......' Killua thought.

'That's because you are special. You are a member of the Zoldyck family. Remember that. You are born to kill,' Illumi's voice said. 'Urasai (Shut up)! Urasai (Shut up)! Urasai (Shut up)!!' Killua thought in exasperation.

'You know that but yet you keep denying it,' Illumi's voice said again. Killua ignored the voice. "Killua, I lost to you in gym class. So what do you want me to buy for you?" Gon asked.

"Eh? You don't have to buy food. Food will be given to you according to your star level," Anna said. "Souka (I see), then..... I'll get you Chocorobo-kun!" Gon exclaimed. "Hontoni (Really)?? Arigatou, Gon (Thank you, Gon)!" Killua exclaimed with a smile.

'Maybe Killua really isn't that scary after all,' Anna and Nonoko thought. "What's Chocorobo-kun?" Hotaru asked curiously after hearing the world 'robo' as in robots.

"Killua's favorite snack! He earned 200 million Jenny when he was 8 years old and spent it all on snacks in four years!" Gon said. Everyone except Gon and Killua's jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

"He earned that much money when he was 8?!" Mikan asked in shock. "Yup!" Gon exclaimed. Just then, they heard gossiping. "Can you believe it? The transfer students are so amazing! One got a triple-star while the other got a special-star! Unbelievable!" someone exclaimed.

"I know! They must be special. I heard they are pro hunters. The triple-star is also the son of the famous hunter Ging Freecs!" another student exclaimed. "Nani (What)?! But if he is that good, how come he didn't get a special star like the other?" a student asked.

"I don't know. But I heard the triple-star only gave the teacher a few scratches and bruises here and there. But the special-star injured the teacher so badly that the teacher was sent to the hospital! The special-star is also of the Dangerous Ability Class. The triple-star is of the Special Ability Class," another student staid. "I see..." a student said.

"Che. Whatever..." Killua muttered to himself loud enough for Gon and the others to hear. "Don't mind about them," Iinchou said with a worried smile. He didn't want his friends to get angry.

"Let's go get our food!" Mikan exclaimed and all of them went to get their food. After that, they settle down at a table. Killua got the most special food. "Wow...... This is so different from what I have been having when I was young," Killua said looking at his food.

"What were you having when you were young?" Sumire asked. "Hmmm....... Poison stew, acidic drinks, poison and laxative mixed fried rice and things like that," Killua said. Everyone except Gon stared at him wide eyed.

"That's impossible! You'll die!" Iinchou exclaimed in shock. All of them except Gon was shocked. "Do I look like I'm dead to you?" Killua asked exasperated.

"Opps..... But gomen (sorry). It's just that no one could survive after eating that," Iinchou said. "Whatever," Killua said and looked away. "Gomene (Sorry), Iinchou," Gon said.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" Iinchou asked confused. "Because Killua acted cold towards you," Gon said in a guilty tone. "Daijobu (It's alright) Boku wa zen zen heki (I'm perfectly fine). I don't feel hurt or anything," Iinchou said with a smile. Gon returned the smile.

"Ne, Killua~~ Can I try some of that taco (octopus) like sausage?" Gon asked poking his friends with his elbow. "Nope! It's all mine!" Killua exclaimed. "Aww~~ Onegai (Please)~" Gon said in a persuading tone.

"Alright, fine," Killua said. Without warning, he shoved the taco (octopus) like sausage into Gon's mouth. Gon was shocked. He quickly chewed and swallowed.

"Killua!!!!! How could you do that?!" Gon exclaimed. "You said you wanted it," Killua said looking to the side. "Hmph! Killua's a meanie!" Gon exclaimed and turned to the other side. Everyone else sweat dropped at the scene before them. They then continued eating and chatting.

"So what is the next lesson?" Gon asked. "It's History," Iinchou replied. 'Be careful, Killu..... I know everything that you are doing... I think that you are getting too close with that Gon kid. Want me to kill him for you?' Illumi's voice rang in Killua's head.

"Don't you dare," Killua said softly. But this didn't go unnoticed by the raven head beside him. "Killua? Is it Illumi again?" Gon asked. Everyone diverted their attention to the silverette.

"I'm fine... Don't worry, Gon. I won't let him lay a hand on you....." Killua said glaring at the air in front of him. "Doyoukoto (What do you mean), Killua-kun?" Sumire asked finding Killua's words slightly weird.

"Daijobuga (Are you alright), Killua?" Gon asked. "Illumi just threatened to kill you," Killua said. Making everyone but the two pro hunters gasp. "Souka (I see). Kinishinaide (Don't mind about it). He's just trying to lure you back," Gon said.

"Wakata sono koto (I know that)! Demo (But)... If he dares to lay a finger on you..... I'll make sure I kill him," Killua said giving off a frightening aura. Anna and Nonoko looked at each other feeling scared the other too. They know what Killua can do.

"Ochitsuke (Calm down), Killua! You're scaring them," Gon said. 'If you don't get away from that Gon soon, I'll make sure he doesn't live! It's for your sake," that oh-so-familiar voice rang.

"Gomene (Sorry), Gon... I need some fresh air," Killua said standing up from his seat. Killua then walked away from the table. He then went into the toilet. He hid inside one of the cubicles and sighed. For now, he'll just stay in there until he calms down...


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