Gym Class Part 2

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"You win, ne Killua!" Gon exclaimed poking his friend's ribs with his own elbow. "You owe me lunch after our star level is decided," Killua said with a smirk. "Okay, fine. By the way, Killua. I heard that they use different money in this school," Gon said.

"Un, it's true," Mikan said joining the conversation. "Really?" Gon asked. Mikan nodded and began explaining about the money they use in the school, Rabbits. "I see...." Killua said.

"I wonder what star ranking will we get! The star ranking really does seem to be important in this school," Gon said. Narumi overheard the conversation. "That's right! We haven't decided your star raking yet. I guess you guys will find out soon," Narumi said with a wink.

"Ne, Narumi-sensei, why can't you tell us now?"Gon asked. "That's a secret," Narumi said and gave Gon a wink. Gon pouted making. The girls who saw his pout squeal because of the cuteness.

"Then when will we know our star ranking?" Killua asked. "Maybe today or tomorrow or in a few days," Narumi said. "But that's going to take so long! I want to know now!" Gon whined.

"I guess there's no choice," Killua said after looking at Narumi's face which says: When-I-say-not-now-I-mean-not-now. "Alright. Let us continue with some games," Narumi said.

"What kind of games are we going to play?" Mikan asked. "We're going to play a game of hide and seek!" Narumi exclaimed. "Okay! Who's going to look?" Mikan asked.

"Well..... Any volunteers?" Narumi asked. Mikan raised her hands. "Alright. So here is how it goes. You guys will go into hiding while Mikan counts. When Mikan finds you, you must automatically help her find the others. There will be a time limit. If Mikan cannot find everybody after the time limit, she loses. If she does, she wins," Narumi said.

"So how long is the time limit, Narumi-sensei?" Mikan asked. "The time minit will be half an hour. Mikan will count to ten. No tips and no peeking, Mikan. To students who can use invisibility Alice, you cannot use your Alice. Now let's start the game!" Narumi exclaimed.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!" Mikan counted and stopped converting her eyes. By then, everyone had already hidden in their hiding places. Even at the field, they had a lot of places to hide. Behind barrels, behind buildings and even under the table and benched.

Mikan began her search. She found Iinchou, Anna, Sumire, Hotaru and Ruka behind the barrels. The barrels could hide many people as there were many barrels.

They joined in the search as they were found. Soon, most of the people were found. The only ones who aren't found are Kokoroyomi, Natsume, Killua and Gon aren't found.

"Where are they? We've searched everywhere!" Sumire exclaimed. "No tips are allowed," Narumi said with a smile. Then, a faint cough was heard. They quickly went towards the direction of the cough and found Natsume and Kokoroyomi behind the trees.

It hid them very well as no one thought would hide there. The trunk of the tree was also quite thick so it could hide one person each. There were a few of those trees. They just hid behind those trees.

"Now the only ones that aren't found yet are the two pro hunters," Hotaru said. Ruka asked Natsume is he was okay because he assumed the faint cough belongs to Natsume.

"I'm okay," Natsume said. They began to search and search. Another two minutes and the time limit would be finished. "Wait.... They might've moved around. Let's all check," Ruka suggested.

They checked everywhere but still could not find Gon and Killua. Soon, the time limit finished. Gon jumped down from the room top. Everyone gasped on surprise.

"Wow! How did you get up there?" Mikan asked. "I jumped up there," Gon said and grinned. "Killua, you should come out too," Gon said. Killua came out from a dark corner.

"U-Unbelievable! How did we not notice you were there?!" Mikan asked in shock. "Pfft-" Gon began giggling. Killua got it and began giggling too. Then, it became laughter. "He's like an assassin who's hiding in the dark waiting to kill his prey," Kokoroyomi said.

The two immediately stopped laughing. "Huh? What's wrong? You guys done with laughing at us for not being able to find Killua-kun when we may have passed him many times?" Sumire asked.

Everyone noticed Killua's eyes were hidden beneath his bangs while Gon looked worried. "Don't worry! Assassins can't get in here!" Mikan exclaimed. "Oh? What are the securities?" Killua asked.

"There's a electric barrier and all kinds of other securities," Hotaru said. "Heh. That makes you think you are safe from assassins? What a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if someone could get in," Killua said.

"But the electric barrier can sense when something goes through it!" Mikan exclaimed. "But even so. Will you be able to find the assassin even when you know he or she entered? Assassins can hide in the dark very well. Even people who aren't assassins can hide using Zetsu," Killua said.

Mikan and the others fell silent. They weren't sure of this Zetsu thing but he was right. There are people who are good at hiding in the dark. Killua was one if them at least.

"What wrong with him? It's a sudden mood change!" Mochiage exclaimed. "You see, Killua has bad experiences with assassins. So he knows what assassins can do best," Gon said.

"Oh..... Don't think about it! Everything will be fine," Mikan said. "Anyways, let's all head back to class. Line up!" Narumi said and they lined up and went back to class. The rest of the classes went smoothly. Of course, they changed into their normal clothes.

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