The Journey Begins

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First of all, hey guys! I know, after a million years, right? *insert laugh-cry emoji* 

Anyways, I would like to thank those who read till here and commented! All of your feedback means a lot to me T-T <3 *insert hearts* To kawaii-yume, so sorry for the wait :"( but thanks for the reminder ^^

Also special thanks to Anime_Is_MyLIFE3 for the encouraging private message and shrimpchip123 who not only wrote on my message board but also voted for this story to be updated in a story "My Profile". You guys rock xD (Yesh, if you have any story you wish to be updated first, please vote there because this human here is confused on which to update after being gone for so long ;_; please forgive mehh) spacing might be kinda be weird too cuz I copied it from my email due to some problems witbbe device I was using.

But here's the next chappie (I know finally)! Hope it won't disappoint y'all or anything since this is the first update in like a gazillions years D":  Now on with the show!~~


"Kurapika! Leorio!" Gon exclaimed running towards Kurapika and Leorio with the others in tow. 

"Yo! Gon!" Leorio, the said man with the spiky crew cut hair exclaimed waving. 

"Hisashiburi dane (It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Kurapika said uncrossing his arms with a small smile before his expression turned serious. "We came as soon as we heard about the situation. Killua he... " 

Gon nodded, expression grim. The tight knot in his heart seemed to have been twisted even tighter as he thought of how he had let Illumi take Killua away without being able to do a thing. The scene kept replaying in his mind like a broken record, only reminding him of his failure to protect his best friend. It fueled him with pure ire. 

He was going to get Killua back and apologise to him. 

No matter what. 

It wasn't long until, Narumi and the others caught up with them. The three hunters turned to meet them.

"You two must be Leorio and Kurapika, right?" Narumi stated. "Hajimemashite. boku no namae wa Narumi desu, Gon to Killua no sensei (Nice to meet you. My name is Narumi, Gon and Killua's teacher). Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Please take care of me)," 

"Kochirakoso(Same here)," Kurapika stated giving a curt bow in response before turning to the children. "I presume these are Gon and Killua's classmates?" 

"Hai (Yes)!" Mikan exclaimed. "Tomodachi desu (We're friends)!" 

"Well that's good to know but.. " Kurapika looked over to Narumi once again. "We aren't taking all of them along, right...?" 

"I'm afraid we are. They were persistent on tagging along," 

"Shikashi (But).... The Zoldycks aren't really the most hospitable of people," Leorio cut in. "Going there means risking their lives too. Y'know... Family assassination business.... " Leorio awkwardly rubbed his nape. 

"Pardon me but might we not say the same to you?" Hotaru butted in, the same calm expression on her face. Leorio's face went red. 

"Why you little...!" 

"But Leorio has been there before," Kurapika countered, much to their surprise. "Therefore, he knows how much of a risk it is. But all of you are still young. Are all of you here aware of the fact that the Zoldycks, no, even their monstrous dog and butlers will show no mercy in killing you if you tresspass?" 

"We have our Alices," Natsume stated igniting his palms. 

Gon nodded. "Leorio. Kurapika. They are also Killua's friends and they would like to help out. I say we let them come along. The feeling they feel... I understand it well," 

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