Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The second group of fifty rogue wolfs were close to their brothers they would join them shortly and take out the unexpected resistance...they sped up with renewed rigor  and then suddenly hell broke loose.

When Alex pressed enter the text on the screen changed to "Armed: Active".

 A short wave radio command was received by the landmines buried in the ground and in a fraction of a second the trigger mechanism activated. 

When in deactivated mode you can play catch with a land mine pretty safely but with the trigger activated the hunk of cylindrical metal turned in to something more deadly. 

The land mines buried under less than a feet of earth read the activity of wolfs above and they triggered an explosion.

The specially designed landmine explode in phase wise manner, first a small concentrated sphere ejected up about 2 feet off the ground. This sphere had a deadly payload of explosive, once two feed off ground, it exploded impacting anything in five feet radius very badly disintegrating skin, muscle and bones of unfortunate wolves in their radius.

 The second phase was the cylinder in the ground. It contained a highly compressed explosive which exploded with a lag of launching the sphere explosive in to the air. The explosion turned the metal body of the landmine in to deadly shrapnel that flew out from the ground and pierce anything in a nearby area. The mine was coated with a compound of silver making this even more deadly for the wolf as a wolf embedded with silver will heal very slowly and with serious injury would bleed to death.

Within seconds, it was over.

Most of the wolves were torn to shreds instantaneously. The unlucky one's who were not killed by the exploding mines were lying on the ground with major injuries, some of them with loss of limbs and body parts, bleeding to their certain death. 

About ten of them came out of it with minor injuries and they were already tagged, in the shock of the blasts they did not even notice the pinpricks they would have felt otherwise. What they were seeing was mutilated bodies of their brothers lying on the ground some of them howling in pain. They turned tail and ran.

The snipers took mercy and put the injured out of their misery.


The wolves fighting Adrian and his team abruptly stopped fighting and fled. Around twenty of them were dead or grievously injured the rest just gave up and ran, Adrian and his pack did not peruse. They had caused heavy damage to the rogues, bodies were littered everywhere.

 The ones that were left to escape, as per Alex's instructions most of them were successfully tagged. Adrian changed in to human form surveyed the surroundings, his team was shifting back. "Clean this shit up" he barked and walked towards the tree where he kept his clothes and he put on the earpiece.

"Talk to me" he said in to the earpiece.


Nick and Jeff watched with horrified fascination as the carnage unfolded, a section of the screen filled with bright light as if something exploded and once the light faded out on the screen the red blobs of wolves disappeared off the screen instead now the IR cameras picked up immovable shapes of wolfs. 

Where they were bright red before now they were minor oranges surrounded by hues of blue, indicating that the bodies were going cold...essentially dead.

They had never encountered such scale of mass destruction before, this was not war, it was slaughter. They looked at the Roma wolves with renewed respect and even fear. Fear was a perfectly healthy reaction to someone who could inflict such damage, they might have doubted them before but now the carnage displayed their deadly capability and for the first time they felt they had a chance of making out of this alive.

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