Part 1

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                                                                   Romero Taylor

Everything with my fiancé Romero Taylor wasn't always lovey-dovey, well not on my part at first, I was a fool back then. But I see what I have now, and that's the love of my life, if I were Romero I wouldn't marry me, especially after all I've put him through, but he has a forgiving heart. See it started when we were kids, I was pretending to like girls that was for my father of course, I would even have sex with them, and Romero would be in the next room. He told me once he put his ear to the wall to listen too us having sex, I wasn't into the girl I was always thinking about Romero. I guess that's what kept me erected while having sex with a female.

Even though deep down my father knew my sexuality, I still would never come out to him, not if I wanted to live. I remember once we were watching something on the news about same sex couples, and my father told me if I ever embarrassed him like that, he would kill me, and he meant it. Years later I would find out why my father hated gays with a passion, we would be watching T.V and if someone even looked gay, he would look at me, and I would get beat and he would say I better not ever be like her, or else. I didn't know who her was, sense the couple were male, but with father who knows what he was talking about. Father always worried about what people thought about him, and that would cast a social shadow on him if people found out I'm gay.

I would lie and say I would never be like that, I like girls father would just look at me, knowing I was lying, but still I will never come out to him. My companion Ray would come over and take me to a football game or something to do with sports, father felt that by me having to do something with sports would make a man out of me, does he know what really goes on in a locker room.

Ray would take me to the games and afterwards we would go to his place, what father didn't know his that Ray is bisexual and he knew about me the first time he met this seventeen year old boy. Ray taught me a lot about this lifestyle and how to keep it on the down-low, once when father went out of town Ray stayed with me for a week and he took me to all kinds of places, and he even got me a fake I.D to get into some of the places. Ray had one too since he was only nineteen, we even went to a place called the man's spot where people like us had sex with other men, only I didn't have sex I just walked around and looked. I'll take that back I did do it with a guy that was from out of town, at least I wouldn't see him again.

Ray told me never come here without him, but me being hard headed I came anyway and I brought Romero with me, he was only sixteen so I got Ray to get him a fake I.D too, I told him it was for when we hung out with him, anyway Romero and I went to that place and Romero was almost raped, but I got him out of there. That's just one thing that happened to him because of me, and there are plenty more.

My father didn't like me being with Romero because his parents were divorced, and it was just Romero and his sister in the house, dad said he needed a man in the house or he was sure to be gay, he just looked at me. I told him that's why I let Romero hang around with Ray and I he needs someone like Ray too, dad said maybe. I messed up again with Romero and made him have oral sex with Ray, he didn't want to but he did it for me. I just watched it was kind of hot, seeing him do that with someone other than me.

There would be plenty more things that he would do for me, I just never knew how much he really loved me until he took the blame for me at school. See I got caught in the bathroom having sex with a teacher, my father would kill me if he found out, so Romero said it wasn't me but him. The head master of Benedict Academy fired the teacher, and Romero got expelled, but his mom got him back in school, that's just the kind of guy Romero is.

I had other guys in my life but they weren't Romero, he was a ride or die kind of person, funny I would use that slang, I grew up in the best neighbor hood and went to the best schools. I used Romero for sex when no one else would show up, I told him what it was, but he made more out of it than what it really was for me. I never knew how much he loved me until he wasn't in my life, I'll talk about that later in my story.

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